BOSG.12.2 - Rainbow Six Wiki
Top break, over-under double-barrel shotgun. Long-range and in tactical configuration. The BOSG.12.2 is a shotgun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation White Noise expansion. It is available for use by Dokkaebi and Vigil. [1]
BOSG.12.2 霰弹枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege …
中折式立双霰弹枪。 射程较长,适用战术配备。 该枪在测试服测试时,能够打碎 总统专机 的机窗玻璃,虽然不能单次射击直接穿透,但当时也引起了一阵话题。 然而这个功能在正式服还是被取消了。
Rainbow Six:BOSG.12.2 - The Tom Clancy Wiki
The BOSG.12.2 is a shotgun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation White Noise expansion. It is available for use by Dokkaebi and Vigil. Overview. Unlike other shotguns, the BOSG.12.2 fires a single slug instead of a spread of individual pellets, giving it a much longer range and higher damage with a single shell ...
BOSG.12.2 - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
The BOSG.12.2 is a shotgun gun featured in Rainbow Six Siege. It was introduced in the Operation White Noise expansion pack and is available for use by Dokkaebi and Vigil.
Why Is The BOSG So Inconsistent ? : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2018年12月11日 · It's one of the most inconsistent guns in the game. Sometimes you'll straight up one shot someone 20+ meters away while sometimes it won't kill someone near point blank. Why is this? Is it based in RNG or what. It doesn't seem like it has a normal damage curve other weapons follow. It depends on the opponents armor.
武器一覧/BOSG.12.2 - Rainbow Six:Siege WIKI | レインボーシッ …
2025年2月26日 · ベネリ社の子会社であるアメリカのStoeger Industries社が販売しているホームディフェンス向けショットガン。 水平2連と上下2連、12ゲージと20ゲージ対応でそれぞれバリエーションがあるが、ゲーム内の物は12ゲージの上下2連式。 ただし厳密にコレそのものではなく、モスバーグ社製ショットガンである「Maverick HS-12」のストックやトップレールが混ざっている。 アーマーパネル貫通しなくなってない? - 名無しさん (2021-07-24 22:47:14) 書 …
Is BOSG viable? : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2021年7月12日 · BOSG is a meme cannon, not competitively viable but you can get some good clips if your aim is good
BOSG is the best entry fragging weapon. : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2022年6月11日 · bosg has only 2 shots you need like a freaking ton ! for opening barricades , precise wall bangs , shooting a spot till you get to the cover , cover shooting multiple spots , vertical play ,1v2-3-4-5ing and so much more
Why is my BOSG not always killing in 1 shot? :: Tom Clancy's …
It's a bad system that even CS managed to overcome 20 years ago with the addition of proper headshot damage + helmet damage reduction, but it'll never be changed in the headshot-fest that is Siege cuz MUH REALISM.
is the bosg any good? :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General …
2019年6月22日 · So basically, in no practical situation should you ever use the bosg over vigil's Smg primary. Its an extremely "unique and entertaining weapon" (much like tachanka's LMG) but its not practical when you think about it
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