Boston exanthem disease - Wikipedia
Boston exanthem disease is a cutaneous condition that first occurred as an epidemic in Boston in 1951. [1] It is caused by echovirus 16. [2]: 398 The disease tends to afflict children more often than adults, although some adults can become infected, and the symptoms have never been fatal.
波士顿疹病(Boston Exanthem Disease) - 皮肤病学 - 天山医学院
埃可病毒16是波士顿疹病的病因,1957年夏季在美国波士顿流行,故名。 以后在其他地区亦有发现,现已罕见。 本病潜伏期3-8天,初起有发热、头痛、咽喉痛、肌肉酸痛及眼部有烧灼感等 …
Enteroviral infections - DermNet
Boston exanthem disease. Boston exanthem disease is c aused by echovirus 16. After a short fever, pink macules and papules suddenly erupt on the face and trunk, and less commonly the extremities. Small ulcers may also be found on the soft palate and tonsils. Eruptive pseudoangiomatosis
Boston Exanthem Disease - DoveMed
2021年11月10日 · Boston Exanthem Disease is an extremely rare skin infection that was first recorded in the city of Boston in the US. It first occurred as an epidemic outbreak in 1951 in Boston, affecting children, and then in 1954 in Pittsburgh. The condition is marked by the presence of red-pink skin lesions on the body.
Viruses - Boston Exanthem Disease | Perri Dermatology
2010年11月23日 · Boston Exanthem Disease occured in Boston as an epidemic and I have not enountered it in my The Woodlands dermatology and Conroe dermatology clinics. It is caused by echovirus 16 and the rash begins as red macules and …
The return of Boston exanthem. Echovirus 16 infections in 1974
Although the "Boston exanthem" has been seen rarely over the past 20 years, in the summer of 1974 we identified ten children, aged 1 week to 7 years with echovirus 16 infections. Seven of the children had rashes, and in four, the illness suggested roseola infantum.
埃可病毒疹(ECHO Virus Eruption) - 皮肤病学 - 天山医学院
埃可病毒16:是波士顿疹病(Boston exanthemdisease)的病因,1957年夏季在波士顿流行,故名(详见后述)。 埃可病毒18:全身发生斑丘疹,常在新生儿室引起腹泻流行。
#波士顿疹病 - 第1页 - 天山医学院
波士顿疹病(Boston Exanthem Disease) 埃可病毒16是波士顿疹病的病因,1957年夏季在美国波士顿流行,故名。以后在其他地区亦有发现,现已罕见。本病潜伏期3-8天,初起有发热、头痛、咽喉痛、肌肉酸痛及眼部有烧灼感等症. 1
Boston exanthem | definition of Boston exanthem by
Boston exanthem An exanthematous roseoliform salmon-colored maculopapular face and chest rash caused by echovirus 16, preceded by a high, 1–2 day fever which subsides with rash onset; both last a week, and are more common in children in the late summer; epidemic or sporadic
Boston exanthema - Medical Dictionary
Boston exanthema Bos·ton ex·an·the·ma a viral disease resembling exanthema subitum, with the exanthema, if it develops, appearing after the fever has subsided; it is caused by strain 16 of ECHO virus.
Boston Exanthem (Echovirus 16) Infection - DoveMed
2021年11月10日 · Boston Exanthem Disease is an extremely rare skin infection that was first recorded in the city of Boston in the US. It first occurred as an epidemic outbreak in 1951 in Boston, affecting children, and then in 1954 in Pittsburgh. The condition is marked by the presence of red-pink skin lesions on the body.
Boston Exanthem Agent: Echovirus 16 | JAMA Pediatrics - JAMA …
As Hall and colleagues state, since the 1950s echovirus 16 had scarcely been seen in the United States. However, in 1974, 12 of 19 states reporting echovirus isolates made 173 isolations of echovirus 16. Twelve percent of the isolations were made in June, 27% in July, 34% in August, and 15% in September. The male to female ratio was 1.68.
The Return of Boston Exanthem: Echovirus 16 Infections in 1974
• Although the "Boston exanthem" has been seen rarely over the past 20 years, in the summer of 1974 we identified ten children, aged 1 week to 7 years with echovirus 16 infections. Seven of the children had rashes, and in four, the illnesses suggested roseola infantum.
Boston exanthem disease - WikiProjectMed
Boston exanthem disease is a skin condition caused by the virus echovirus 16. It begins with a short fever, followed by the appearance of small flat pinkish marks which become small bumps, typically on the face and chest. There may be accompanying sores in the roof of the mouth or back of the throat.
A Second Outbreak of Boston Exanthem Disease in Pittsburgh during …
Available evidence indicates that the exanthem disease in Pittsburgh represented the second outbreak of a newly recognized clinical entity. The name "Boston exanthem" is proposed for this...
Boston exanthem disease - WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness …
2024年3月17日 · Boston exanthem disease, also known as Boston fever or sixth disease, is a viral infection primarily affecting children. Characterized by its distinctive rash, fever, and flu-like symptoms, it is caused by the human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and, less commonly, human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7).
[速览]14. 波士顿疹(Boston exanthem disease) - 口腔黏膜病学
Contemporary Infectious Exanthems: An Update - Taylor
2016年11月14日 · Boston exanthem is a maculopapular/vesicular eruption involving face and trunk preceded by high fever caused by Echovirus 16 [Citation 43]. Enteroviruses, especially 25 and 32, have been associated with eruptive pseudoangiomatosis, a rare spontaneously regressing exanthem characterized by asymptomatic small, shiny red papules of angioma-like ...
Newer Viral Exanthems
The “newer viral exanthems” have been reviewed and compared with the “classic exanthems.” The pathogenesis of these illnesses has been explored and the clinical approach to differential diagnosis has been discussed.
Antigenic Comparison of Boston Exanthem Virus Strains and …
Variable serologic patterns within a broad antigenic relationship were found for five strains of exanthem viruses and the prototype strain of ECHO-16 virus. Even the exanthem viruses as a group failed to show uniform immunologic properties. Consideration was given to the possible influence of technical procedures in antigenic studies of ECHO ...