Add ClearChat Bot Discord Bot | The #1 Discord Bot and Discord …
The ClearChat bot is a sleek Discord moderation bot that focuses on channel moderation. Discord does not offer a proper bulk deletion feature on its own. Thus, the user has to laboriously …
- 评论数: 44
ClearChat Bot | Discord App Directory
The ClearChat bot is a classic Discord moderation bot that focuses on channel managing. Discord does not offer a proper bulk deletion on its own, which requires the user to delete each …
Add ClearerBot Discord Bot | The #1 Discord Bot and Discord …
Nuke your channels and clear some messages with this bot. A bot that helps you keep your server clean. As easy as to invite him, run c!nuke, confirm and get the channel as new as it …
- 评论数: 143
Cleaner | Discord App Directory
An advanced message cleaning utility bot is used to clean a specific number of messages in a channel. Can delete channels, roles, messages.
Add Cleaner Discord Bot | Invite Link
Cleaner Bot - An advanced message, channels, and role cleaning utility. Invite to add to your server and use powerful cleaning commands. Discord Bot.
- 评论数: 1
Cleartimer | Discord App Directory
ClearTimer is a Discord bot designed to automatically clear messages in specified channels at regular intervals. This bot uses the APScheduler library to schedule and manage message …
ClearerBot - The best Discord bot for nuking channels and …
ClearerBot is the best and easiest way to get messages deleted on your server. It's fast, reliable, and easy to use. You can nuke a channel to completely delete all messages instantly, or clear …
Add ClearChat Discord Bot | Invite Link
At first glance a simple ClearChat bot you dont need, but at second glance a useful tool for moderating the deletion of unnecessary messages on your Discord server. Take back control …
Home | Clear Bot - bryth.gitbook.io
In order to use the bot properly and make it function correctly, you need to make sur it has the Administrator permission and is above every role as shown in the gif below. If there are some …
Discord ClearChat-Bot · JH220 Homepage
The bot allows the user to delete messages in a channel by executing a simple command (/clear). In addition to that, there are some new additional features like filtering by various parameters, …