Nonqualified Plans - Box 11 (w2) - TMI Message Board
2012年3月15日 · Yes, the totals add up, but I guess I had the wrong understanding about Box 11. I thought Box 11 income would also show up in Box 1. However, in this case the Box 11 income is deferred, so it does't show up in Box 1. Guess I'm going to have to refine my defnition of "qualified" and nonqualified".
Schedule K-1 - 11 A* STMT - TMI Message Board
2013年3月11日 · Ok, so I think I am on the correct paper page of the tax document, Box 11 (A) Excess Deductions on Termination(I am guessing this is the STMT the K-1 was referrring to). On the software it says: 11 Final year deduction Code A Excess deductions. Would this be the same as "Excess Deductions on Termination".
K-1 Question - TMI Message Board
2022年5月3日 · Box 11, Code A—Excess Deductions on Termination - Section 67(e) Expenses If this is the final return of the estate or trust, and there are excess deductions on termination that are section 67(e) expenses reported to you as a beneficiary, you may deduct the excess deductions shown in box 11, code A, as an adjustment to income.
Assistance needed - Line 11F of Schedule K-1 for PTP
2015年6月29日 · All gains and losses (which are ordinary gains) pursuant to this election have been included on Schedule K-1, Box 11, Code F. Capital gains and losses on securities not covered by the trader election have been included on Schedule K-1, Boxes 8 and 9A."
1099R Box 7 code T Please Help! - TMI Message Board
04-11-2015, 11:07 am My software has a box on the 1099-R input screen (which looks exactly like the IRS 1099-R) in which you put the first year the ROTH began. This tells the software if it qualifies for the holding period.
Question for Pro Series Users about Dependent Getting AOC
2025年3月13日 · Married couple had $500k of income so can't claim AOC. Dependent child has $12,000 of earned income, $2500 of interest and $2,000 of other income. I am not claiming the child as a dependent on the parents return so the child can use AOC or LLC to reduce her tax to zero. On the child's return when I check the box the child is
NY Preparers Pension & Annuity Subtraction? - TMI Message Board
2021年3月23日 · Taxpayer is retired and over 59 1/2 and is collecting a monthly income from her nonqualified deferred compensation plan from her prior employer. It's reported on a W-2, Box 1 $5k and Box 11 (nonqualified plans) $5k. Would this qualify for the P & A subtraction on the IT-201? And, if so, have any you taken this
2020 Form 1099-MISC Box 14 Nonqualified deferred compensation
2021年2月3日 · There is an income tab and a place to put in the 1099-MISC but nothing from that box 14 flowed over onto the Form 1040. From what I read, the taxpayer should have had that amount reported in Box 1 of a 1099-NEC also and there should be an additional tax on compensation received from a nonqualified deferred compensation.
NOL for Estates?? - TMI Message Board
2019年3月16日 · What is amazing is the 2018 K-1 Box 11 Code A instructions state that the excess deductions on termination can be put on 1040 Schedule A line 16. Still waiting on those guidelines. On the last trust return K-1 that I recently prepared, which was a final, there was nothing in Box 11 but a long-term capital gain carryover.
1099-R Box 7 code G but amount in 2a Taxable amount
2013年2月22日 · Code G in Box 7 indicates a "direct rollover" from a qualified plan, etc-----Might be some extenuating circumstances, but the 1099R reporting being posted, raises some questions? What is the difference in Box 1 - Gross Distribution , and Box 2a - taxable distribution - maybe this was only a partial "direct rollover" -