Box2D C++ tutorials - Drawing your own objects - iforce2d.net
2013年7月14日 · Usually we would like to use our own method for drawing objects in the scene, and access the physics information from Box2D so that we know where to draw them. In this topic, we'll set up a class to use as a game entity, and then look …
World - Box2D
There is also debugging information such as debug draw, timing information, and counters. You can find documentation here: https://box2d.org/ Data Structure Documentation
Box2D C++教程13-使用debug draw - CSDN博客
1. 开启调试模式:在cocos2dx中,我们可以通过设置`CC_ENABLE_BOX2D_DEBUG_DRAW`宏来开启Box2D的调试渲染,这会显示物理世界的边框、关节和形状。 2. 调试渲染:调试渲染不仅可以帮助开发者查看物理世界的布局,还...
Box2D physics tutorial - 2dengine
In this tutorial, we'll learn how to use Box2D like a pro! First off, we need a reliable way to draw our Box2D simulation on the screen. This is very important for debugging purposes and general feedback. One easy approach is to use the debug registry to inject our custom "draw" functionality into the existing Box2D objects.
Box2D Tutorials - phaser.io
To help you learn it we partnered with Chris Campbell at iForce2D and converted his range of excellent Box2D tutorials. That is what we present here. A wide range of beginner to advanced topics, all updated for Phaser Box2D v3. Use these in combination with the official documentation and the API Docs and Examples. Start Here. Bodies; World Settings
Box2D 的 debugDraw 的几种绘制方式 e_shapeBit、 e_jointBit....
2012年9月25日 · 本文介绍如何在Cocos2d-x项目中使用Box2D物理引擎的DebugDraw功能来辅助调试。 通过简单的步骤说明如何设置并启用DebugDraw,以及如何配置不同的绘制模式以展示物理形状、轴向边界框等。 原文链接: http://blog.csdn.net/zhangxaochen/article/details/8016456. 看这里: http://is.gd/VoBVUJ. 开启DebugDraw的方法比较简单,步骤如下: 1.
Box2D: b2Draw Class Reference
Implement and register this class with a b2World to provide debug drawing of physics entities in your game. Draw a transform. Choose your own length scale. a transform.
Box2D C++ tutorials - Using debug draw - iforce2d.net
2013年7月14日 · The testbed makes use of a feature known as "debug draw" to draw the shapes you see. Obviously if you are making a game you will want to have all kinds of eye-popping fancy graphics instead of these boring polygons, but the debug draw feature can be very useful when you are having trouble getting the physics scene to work right.
游戏开发笔记(三):实现自己的Box2D DebugDraw - 知乎
DebugDraw就是在游戏运行中将Box2d world里面的物体的 线框模型 画出来,方便进行调试的一个功能。 没有DebugDraw, 碰撞检测 的调试得抓瞎,所以在使用Box2D前,都要先确保DebugDraw可用。 一个不好的消息是Box2D本身并不包含DebugDraw的具体实现,毕竟它只是一个 物理引擎,而每个平台的渲染方法都不一样,它只提供了一个渲染接口类b2Draw(见 头文件 b2_draw.h)。 这个接口类包含了绘制点、线段、圆、多边形等函数。 一个好消息是Box2D …
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