eCFR :: 49 CFR 178.517 -- Standards for plastic boxes.
(a) The following are identification codes for plastic boxes: (1) 4H1 for an expanded plastic box; and. (2) 4H2 for a solid plastic box. (b) Construction requirements for plastic boxes are as follows: (1) The box must be manufactured from suitable plastic material and be of adequate strength in relation to its capacity and intended use.
49 CFR § 178.517 - Standards for plastic boxes.
(a) The following are identification codes for plastic boxes: (1) 4H1 for an expanded plastic box; and. (2) 4H2 for a solid plastic box. (b) Construction requirements for plastic boxes are as follows: (1) The box must be manufactured from suitable plastic material and be of adequate strength in relation to its capacity and intended use.
eCFR :: 49 CFR Part 178 Subpart L -- Non-bulk Performance …
(2) 4H2 for a solid plastic box. ( b ) Construction requirements for plastic boxes are as follows: ( 1 ) The box must be manufactured from suitable plastic material and be of adequate strength in relation to its capacity and intended use.
UN-Approved PLASTIC BOXES | Berlin Packaging
For distributing samples of petrochemicals Berlin Packaging supplies two kinds of UN-Certified plastic boxes (4H2): stackable or nestable boxes. These packaging solutions are re-usable and can easily be opened and closed. The transport plastic boxes are additionally tested with inner packaging including bottles, jars, jerrycans or aerosols.
boxes (4H2): stackable or nestable boxes. These packaging are re-usable and can easily be opened and closed. The boxes with a hinged lid are locked with a triangular key. The transport boxes are additionally tested with inner packaging including bottles, jars, jerricans or aerosols and are available in different standard sizes. To fix the inner
IATA Outer Packaging Boxes - Compliance Training Online
Plastic boxes must be manufactured from suitable plastic and be of adequate strength. It must also be resistant to aging and degradation caused either by the substance contained or by ultra-violet radiation. Plastic boxes are divided into two categories: 4H1 - expanded plastic boxes; 4H2 - solid plastic boxes
eCFR :: 49 CFR 173.211 -- Non-bulk packagings for solid …
(a) When § 172.101 of this subchapter specifies that a solid hazardous material be packaged under this section, only non-bulk packagings prescribed in this section may be used for its transportation.
Boxes (4A, 4B, 4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F, 4G, 4H1, 4H2, 4N); Jerricans (3A2, 3B2, 3H2). Inner packagings: (a) For non-toxic gases, combination packagings with hermetically sealed inner packagings of glass or metal with a maximum capacity of 5 litres per package which meet the packing group III performance level
49 CFR § 173.213 - LII / Legal Information Institute
§ 173.213 Non-bulk packagings for solid hazardous materials in Packing Group III. (a) When § 172.101 of this subchapter specifies that a solid hazardous material be packaged under this section, only non-bulk packagings prescribed in this section may be used for its transportation.
49 CFR 178.517 - Standards for plastic boxes. - GovRegs
(a) The following are identification codes for plastic boxes: (1) 4H1 for an expanded plastic box; and (2) 4H2 for a solid plastic box. (b) Construction requirements for plastic boxes are as follows: (1) The box must be manufactured from suitable plastic material and be of adequate strength in relation to its capacity and intended use.