NGK Spark Plug (BP5ET) 1pc - CJ MOTOR
Item: NGK Spark Plug (BP5ET) NGK. Since 1936, NGK Spark Plugs has been the world leader in technology, innovation, and world-class quality in the design of spark plugs and oxygen sensors. NGK has built a reputation for quality and reliability.
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76 replacement spark plugs found for NGK BP5ET. Search this spark plug cross reference with more than 90000 models.
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2024年12月9日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 6x New NGK Premium Quality Japanese Industrial Standard Spark Plug #BP5ET at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
日本特殊陶業 (NGK) スパークプラグ 【2287】分離形 BP5ET
2012年8月16日 · 高温時においても絶縁性が優れており、特に頭部のコルゲーション (ヒダ)は絶縁性を増大し、フラッシュオーバーを防止します。 熱伝導性がよいためプラグの過熱を防止します。 熱衝撃に強いため、急熱・急冷による絶縁体破損を防ぎます。 【まとめ買いフェア開催中】よりどり2点以上で5%OFF. 冬物ファッション・アウトドアグッズ、乾燥対策商品などお出かけの必需品をはじめ、DVD、おもちゃ・ゲーム、卓上調理器などのおうちグッズ、グルメ、 …
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NGK BP5ET+ - Alternative spark plugs - Spark plug cross reference
Replacement spark plugs for NGK BP5ET+. Huge cross reference with up to 112 different brands.
NGK BP5ET Spark Plug for Classic and Modern Cars - Powerspark …
BP5ET - NGK BP5ET Spark Plug. A spark plug produces a high intensity electrical discharge (the spark) inside the combustion chamber, igniting your fuel to keep the engine firing. It does this thousands of times each minute. Over time spark plugs start to break down, resulting in a poor spark. A healthy engine needs good clean spark plugs.
NGK Spark plug BP5ET-10 (5156) | Sparkplugs Ltd
NGK Spark Plug BP5ET-10, NGK Stock Code 5156. This Spark Plug has no integral resistor and standard electrode materials for the ground electrode and centre electrode but has multi ground electrode design in order to extend service life. .
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