B&B pigs - BQP
We breed and rear over 1 million pigs a year using industry-leading production systems, including outdoor born, straw-finished, RSPCA Freedom Food Assured, free range and organic. With around 30% of the UK market share, this makes us the UK’s largest pig farming business.
Our Farming and Sustainability - BQP
At BQP we are committed to sustainable and regenerative farming. We are the UK’s leading pig farmer with a heritage of producing high welfare pigs for our customers and we’ve been doing it to the highest standards for over 40 years.
Our Pig Supply - BQP
BQP is the UK’s leading pig farming operation and the largest with a long heritage of innovation and development of higher welfare standards for outdoor bred, free range and organic pigs in the UK. We produce approximately 40% of all UK higher welfare pigs each year, which are all assured to Red Tractor/Quality Meat Scotland, RSPCA ...
Pig Farming Operation Celebrates 40th Anniversary
BQP, Pilgrim's Europe's in-house 100 percent higher welfare pig farming operation, marked its 40th anniversary with a celebration event at the Suffolk Food Hall in Ipswich.
Necessity and ambition drive Pilgrim’s pig expansion plans
2024年12月10日 · BQP was founded in 1979 and has pioneered high-welfare outdoor production; It currently has two nucleus herds of 55,000 sows in 58 breeding herds; It also has more than 300,000 rearing pigs on more than 160 partner farms; A team of up to nine highly trained field staff support the farm partners.
Pilgrim’s UK’s Richard Mellor Awarded ‘Pig Farmer of the Year’
Richard Mellor, a BQP pig farmer, has been awarded “Pig Farmer of the Year 2021” during the Farmers Weekly Awards, which recognizes hard-working and innovative farmers across the U.K. BQP, a Pilgrim’s UK subsidiary and the UK’s leading pig farming operation, represented two out of three finalists, also including Ryan Dyer of Hall Farm ...
Stradbroke (BQP) - FarmingUK
A team of approximately 45 people work together to provide the administrative, field and veterinary support to in excess of 250 pig farms located primarily in East Anglia, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and the South West. BQP also operates two …
BQP case studies
BQP case studies on B&B contract Pigs in the UK. BQP has 160+ farmers here are a few of their stories of how pigs helped their business.
Advice on establishing a B&B pig agreement - Farmers Weekly
2021年6月15日 · There is a common misconception that contract-rearing pigs on a bed-and-breakfast (B&B) system is a suitable diversification for many farming systems, as well as an easy route into the industry....
Advice on converting farm buildings for pig B&B
2021年7月6日 · New-build sheds on greenfield sites have been a popular choice for farmers setting up a bed and breakfast pig enterprise, with short payback periods, new-build bonuses, and a good return on...