Bra Size Conversion Chart - SizeChart.com
Find your local bra size in the Bra Size Conversion Chart below, and see equivalent bra sizes in other bra sizing systems (countries). Note about cup size: In this bra size conversion chart, all bra sizes start with cup size AA. This will work with most bra models.
胸围尺码表 - 在线工具大全
胸围尺码以乳点即BP点(突出点)为测点,用软皮尺水平测量胸部最丰满处一周。 向前倾斜45度,以BP点为测点,测量出长度。 与前一个数据的平均值即为上胸围尺寸。 对于胸型较好(不下垂)类胸型来说,不需要身体前倾45°来测量上胸围的尺寸。 身体保持直立,将软尺紧贴胸部下缘,测量处在自然呼吸状态下的下胸围尺寸。 罩杯的大小就是上胸围减去下胸围的差。 根据上述步骤的测量结果,用上胸围尺寸减去下胸围尺寸的差,即为罩杯号型。 上胸围与下胸围之差 AA …
美国文胸/胸罩尺码对照表 - 美国加州驾照笔试模拟题
尺码速查表内的尺寸为一般尺寸对比表,根据不同制造商存在一些差异。 该尺码速查表根据款式和品牌多少存在一些差异。
Breast size and bra size chart with sample images – Model Studios
The size of a bra always depends on two factors: the circumference of the body just below the breasts (called band size) and the circumference above the breasts, usually at the level of the nipples (called bust size).
International bra size conversion table - MS Pomelo
Ever wondered about your bra size equivalent in France or the US? Or are you an Australian shopping for bras in the UK? Here is our international bra size conversion table to help you with different size systems.
Size Chart & Bra Size Converter | Triumph Lingerie
Use our international size chart to help convert any underwear sizes into your desired size. Using your clothing size, under-bust measurement, cup size and our bra size converter will help you find the right bra size or discover your bra sister sizes!
International Size Conversion Table - LilyBras
Need to figure out your size but can't see your country listed? No problem, here is our international bra size conversion table to help you with different size systems.
Bra size converter / Bra size table - Calculate & Convert
With this converter you can convert a bra size to another bra size system. Enter the bra size and choose which size system to change to which size system and see result. You can convert bra sizes between the following systems: EU, UK, US, IT, AU and FR.
International Size Conversion – Elizabeth Bra
Need to figure out your size but can't see your country listed? No problem, here is our international bra size conversion table to help you with different size systems.
文胸的国际尺码和英式尺码换算方法? - 知乎
1、罩杯的概念,罩杯的分级由上下胸围差决定,A是10,B是12.5,以2.5cm差值类推C、D、E. 2、国际尺码65、70、75等指的是下胸围标准,单位是cm,而英式尺码30、32、34等指的是上胸围,英式尺码换算成厘米就是*2.5,即30*2.5=75. 因此,65下胸围的女性,A罩杯大小,选购的Bra应该是65A,或者是30A. 你所得出的公式应该算是以下胸围为标准的等尺寸换算, 而根据罩杯差值得出的换算的公式则是65+10=30*2.5. 结论:国际尺码与英式尺码制定的基准不一样,而 …
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