Vita - Bram Braam
Bram Braam (1980) is born and raised in the Netherlands. Currently lives and works in Berlin. His work consists of sculptures and installations, inspired by modern architecture, constructivism, Bauhaus and De Stijl.
Bram Braam *1980 in Sittard, Netherlands based in Berlin and Gargelt, Germany Education 2005 – 2009 AKV St. Joost, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Den Bosch, Netherlands 1998 – 2003 Sint Lucas, Communication and Design, Boxtel, Netherlands Prizes, Grants & Residencies 2023 NEUSTART KULTUR grant Stiftung Kunstfonds (Germany) ...
Bram Braam — Contemporary Artist
Bram Braam (1980) is born and raised in the Netherlands. Currently lives and works in Berlin. His work consists of sculptures and installations, inspired by modern architecture, constructivism, Bauhaus and De Stijl.
Bram Braam | Artist | ARTITIOUS
Discover profile of contemporary artist Bram Braam, Germany on artitious | Collage, Conceptual art, Installation, Mixed media, Photography, Sculpture, Video
Bram Braam | Kunstenaar op Gallery Viewer | Gallery View...
Bram Braam (NL, 1980) is als beeldend kunstenaar geïnteresseerd in het maakbare van onze dagelijkse omgeving. Naast het vervaardigen van foto's, collages en assemblages, legt Braam zich voornamelijk toe op sculpturaal werk van subtiel of juist imposant formaat.
Bram Braam - CV | Artsy
Artsy is the world’s largest online art marketplace. Browse over 1 million artworks by iconic and emerging artists from 4000+ galleries and top auction houses.
Bram Braam - Abstract Sculpture | Frank Taal Gallery
Visual artist Bram Braam (NL, 1980, lives and works in Berlin) deals with architecture and the constant evolution of our daily surroundings. He draws inspiration from the raw environment of Berlin, utopian beliefs and Dutch landscape.
Bram Braam - galerie burster
Bram Braam's sculptural works allude to the eternal cycle of transformation undergone by architectural landscapes alongside the influences of nature, destruction and decay. Berlin-based artist Bram Braam (*1980) explores the rapid, unrestrained development of the city, revealing a new perspective on architectural constructions.
Janet Braam | Faculty | The People of Rice | Rice University
Janet Braam. Wiess Professor of BioSciences Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives
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berlin | karlsruhe
Bram Braam *1980 in Sittard, Netherlands based in Berlin, Germany Education 2005-2009 AKV St. Joost, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Den Bosch, Netherlands 1998-2003 Sint Lucas, Communication and Design, Boxtel, Netherlands Prizes, Grants & Residencies 2021 Working grant Mondriaan Fonds (Netherlands)
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