bragged是什么意思_bragged的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸 …
Mary bragged that she could run faster than Jack. 玛丽夸口说她比杰克跑得快. He bragged that he was the highest scorer. 他夸他是最高的得分手. He bragged that his car was the fastest. 他吹 …
BRAG中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
BRAG翻译:吹嘘,夸耀。 了解更多。
BRAG | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BRAG definition: 1. to speak too proudly about what you have done or what you own: 2. to speak too proudly about…. Learn more.
BRAGGED Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BRAG is a pompous or boastful statement. How to use brag in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Brag.
bragged - 搜索 词典
必应词典为您提供bragged的释义,美[bræɡ],英[bræɡ],v. 吹嘘;自吹自擂; adj. 第一流的;极好的;〈罕〉活泼的; n. 勃莱格牌戏(简化的扑克牌戏);
BRAG中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary
BRAG翻譯:吹噓,誇耀。 了解更多。
bragging - 搜索 词典
Boasting is bragging about what you think are great qualities about yourself or about people or things connected to you. 自夸 是 炫耀 你 自己, 或是 和 你 有关 的 人 或 事 优胜 的 地方。 必 …
brag - 搜索 词典
字典中 喇 字的解释 | 喇 五笔 | 喇... ... [bells; bell-bottoms] 裤脚大大地张开的裤子 [boast;] 说大话 lā;lǎ;la 喇 lǎ ... 1. Not trying to brag, but only showing that laziness can actually work if you put …
bragged的中文解释_bragged的读音_bragged的双语例句 - 英语 …
If you brag, you say in a very proud way that you have something or have done something. He's always bragging about his prowess as a cricketer... 他总是吹嘘自己板球球技的高超。 He'll …
bragged是什么意思_bragged的音标_bragged的发音_bragged的 …
boast普通用词,指对自己所做的事,自己的长处、财富以及家庭等的夸耀,常含言过其实的意味。 brag非正式用词,其夸耀和吹嘘意味强于boast,到了过分夸大,有时令人讨厌的地步。 crow …