Braun Mobile Shaver M30 | Is this Mobile Shaver worth it?
Honest review and thoughts after personally trying the device Braun Mobile Shaver M30. If you are someone that is always on the go, need to look presentable and are looking to buy this trimmer,...
博朗(Braun)剃须刀电动刮胡刀往复式胡须刀单刀头M系M30s生 …
BRAUN 百靈 M系列電池式輕便電鬍刀 M30 - PChome 24h購物
品名:電池式輕便電鬍刀 型號:MobileShave M-30 顏色:黑色 製造國:中國 保證期:兩年 商品淨重 (g):126g 電源:AA (3號) 電池-2個 替換刀頭刀網耗材型號:5S (銀) 請於購買前請詳細閱讀: 本產品依法屬個人衛生用品,拆封 (如:外收縮膜/封盒貼紙/配件耗材等)無7天猶豫期,如欲退貨請勿拆封。 本產品文案為原廠所提供,若有變動敬請參照實際商品為準 刮鬍刀刀頭刀網依法令規定,為個人衛生用品,非新品瑕疵拆封後不接受退貨,且不在保固範圍內。
博朗(Braun)男士电动剃须刀M30s干电池便携往复式刮胡须刀爸爸生日礼物 黑色 普通装
Braun M30 Mobile Shaver Electric Shaver : Amazon.sg: Beauty
Thanks to its compact size and powered by 2 AA batteries it can easily be used at work, in the car, or even on short holiday trips. MobileShave is Braun‘s smallest electric shaver, but does not compromise on superior technology, reliable quality or sleek design you expect from Braun.
- 评论数: 105
Braun Electric Razor for Men, Series 3 310s Electric Foil Shaver ...
2016年10月28日 · Tough on beards and smooth on the skin, Braun Series 3 Electric Shavers for men provide a comfortable and efficient shaving experience. This face and beard shaver features three pressure-sensitive shaving elements (3-Flex head) that automatically retract to protect your skin and adapt perfectly to facial contours for a close and gentle shave.
Braun/博朗男士电动剃须刀M30s干电池便携往复式水洗刮胡须刀 …
Braun/博朗男士电动剃须刀M30s干电池便携往复式水洗刮胡须刀差旅 黑色图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
Braun/博朗男士电动剃须刀M30s干电池便携往复式水洗刮胡须刀 …
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Braun Electric Series 3 Razor with Precision Trimmer, Rechargeable, Wet ...
CAPTURES MORE HAIR: Precision trimmer for accurate moustache and sideburn trimming, includes a specialized MicroComb designed to capture more hair in each stroke *compared to Braun series 3, tested on 3 day beards ; BUILT TO LAST: Durable cordless electric shaver, lasting up to 7 years and designed for hair removal with water, foam or gel
Braun Electric Shavers and Razors | Braun
From IPLs, to epilators, to electric razors, discover Braun’s extensive product range for all grooming and hair removal needs. Series 9 PRO+ Electric Shaver Protect your skin from nicks and cuts with the World’s most efficient shaver.