BRDM-3 - Army Recognition
2024年7月11日 · The BRDM-3 is a reconnaissance wheeled armoured vehicle designed and manufactured by Russia. The BRDM-3 is based on the chassis of the Russian wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier BTR-80A. This vehicle is not in service with Russian army, but a contract was signed with Kenya for 88 vehicles.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
This new version is based on the chassis of BRM-3K Rys fitted with a new turret armed with a 57mm automatic cannon using gun mount module AU-220M “Baikal”. AU-220M Remote Controlled Weapon Station...
BRDM - Wikipedia
The BRDM is a eight-wheeled amphibious vehicle which is very lightly armoured by today's standards. Both versions were produced in the Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries. Both versions came in an ATGM variant. The BRDM-2 also came as a command vehicle and as an air defence vehicle.
BRDM-2装甲侦察车 - 百度百科
该车在BRDM-1侦察车的基础上作了大量改进,其中包括全封闭的武器装备、后置的大功率发动机,从而使车辆的水陆性能均获得很大改善。 苏联陆军的每1摩托化步兵师装备该车28辆,其中侦察营12辆,坦克团和3个不同装备的摩托化步兵团各4辆;坦克师也装备28辆,其中侦察营12辆,摩托化步兵团和3个坦克团各4辆。
俄军空降兵获得BRDM-2MS装甲侦察车,其实是俄罗斯对外军援抢 …
根据2022年10月5日俄罗斯国防部在俄罗斯社交网络VK上发布的一段视频,在赫尔松执行任务的俄罗斯空降部队收到BRDM-2MS 装甲侦察车,最近动员的俄罗斯预备役部队目前也在接受这些新型车辆的培训,以便在乌克兰部署。 有趣的是这种侦察车还是俄军对外军援的主要装备之一。 俄罗斯BRDM-2MS装甲侦察车改进自60年代的BRDM-2,BRDM-2装甲侦察车战斗全重7吨,车长5.75米,宽2.35米,高2.31米,离地间隙0.43米,可跨越0.4米台阶,越壕1.25米,坡度60%, …
The Russian BRDM-3 8×8 Wheeled Reconnaissance Vehicle
Traditionally wheeled BRDM’s have been 4×4 in Russia. The BRDM-3 however is an 8×8 and a proposed replacement to the earlier 4×4’s in Russian Ground Forces. Its current status is not fully clear due to defence cuts. The BRDM-3 is based on the BTR-80AK, which is the Command Version of the BTR-80A.
装甲侦察车 - 百度百科
大倍率光学潜望镜和电视摄像机主要用于能见度良好的夜间进行侦察,发现目标距离不小于20千米,识别装甲车辆距离为10~15千米,并具有电视自动跟踪能力。 热像仪主要用于夜间侦察,夜间识别装甲车辆的距离不小于3千米。 激光测距仪的最大测量距离不小于20千米,误差一般为5米。 雷达可全天候实施侦察,具有多目标自动跟踪能力,对装甲车辆的探测距离不小于25千米,对单兵的最大探测距离不小于10千米。 定位定向设备通常由全球卫星定位装置和惯性定位定向装置 …
BRDM-2 / 9P148 (Spandrel / Konkurs) - Military Factory
2022年4月8日 · The 9P148 "Konkurs", also incorrectly identified by some as the "BRDM-3", is a variant of the base BRDM-2 Amphibious Scout Car series appearing in 1962, developed to replace the BRDM-1.
俄罗斯BRDM-3装甲侦察车 - 百度学术
BRDM | Military Wiki | Fandom
BRDM is an initialism for Boyevaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Mashina, (RU Боевая Разведывательная Дозорная Машина), literally "Combat Reconnaissance Patrol Vehicle". The BRDM is a four wheeled amphibious vehicle which is very lightly armoured by today's standards.