Technical Analysis from A to Z - Overbought/Oversold
The Overbought/Oversold ("OB/OS") indicator is a market breadth indicator based on the smoothed difference between advancing and declining issues. The OB/OS indicator shows when the stock market is overbought (and a correction is due) and when it …
Technical Analysis from A to Z - Breadth Thrust - MetaStock
BREADTH THRUST. Overview. The Breadth Thrust indicator is a market momentum indicator. It was developed by Dr. Martin Zweig. The Breadth Thrust is calculated by dividing a 10-day exponential moving average of the number of advancing issues, by the number of advancing plus declining issues. Interpretation
Custom Formula Collection - Breadth Thrust - MetaStock
The Breadth Thrust indicator is a market momentum indicator developed by Dr. Martin Zweig. The Breadth Thrust is calculated by taking a 10-day exponential moving average of the advancing issues divided by the advancing plus declining issues.
The McClellan Oscillator and Summation Index - MetaStock
2005年9月27日 · The McClellan Oscillator and Summation Index are two of the most widely known and used breadth (or as I prefer, composite) indicators. Unfortunately, in the past, you could only apply them to one of the exchange composites (NYSE, AMEX or NASDAQ).
Custom Formula Collection - McClellan Oscillator - MetaStock
The McClellan Oscillator, developed by Sherman and Marian McClellan, is a market breadth indicator that is based on the smoothed difference between the number of advancing and declining issues on the New York Stock Exchange.
What indicators does MetaStock include? - MetaStock.com Forum
BM NASDAQ Absolute Breadth Index; BM NASDAQ Advance/Decline Line; BM NASDAQ Advance/Decline Ratio; BM NASDAQ Advancing - Declining Issues; BM NASDAQ Advancing Issues; BM NASDAQ Advancing Volume; BM NASDAQ Arms Index; BM NASDAQ Breadth Thrust; BM NASDAQ Changed Volume; BM NASDAQ Composite Tape Index - Medium Term; …
How to code Advance-Decline Line for Metastock?
2013年12月5日 · The newly released (Nov 19th) MetaStock and MetaStock Pro 13.0 includes "breadth" indicators not only calced on the overall market (as is done traditionally), but also breadth on the 10 major US Sectors. the Advance/Decline line is one of many included.
Custom Formula Collection - Absolute Breadth Index - MetaStock
The Absolute Breadth Index (ABI) is a market momentum indicator that was developed by Norman G. Fosback. The ABI shows how much activity, volatility, and change is taking place on the New York Stock Exchange while ignoring the direction prices are headed.
What is installed with FIRE 2.0? - MetaStock.com Forum
Besides the Fire program, FIRE 2.0 includes custom indicators and explorations for use in MetaStock. Below is a summary of those tools. Indicators:• FIRE 2.0...
Technical Analysis from A to Z - McClellan Oscillator - MetaStock
Indicators that use advancing and declining issues to determine the amount of participation in the movement of the stock market are called "breadth" indicators. A healthy bull market is accompanied by a large number of stocks making moderate upward advances in price.