  1. Copilot 答案

    Brooding in Poultry – Definition, Types & How to …

    • Learn what brooding is, how to brood chicks naturally or artificially, and what equipment and management are needed for successful brooding. Find out the advantages and disadvantages of different types of br… 展开

    What Is Brooding in Poultry Production?

    Brooding is defined as the management of chicks from one day old to about 8 weeks of age, and it involves the provision of heat and other necessary care during chicks’ early growing pe… 展开

    Brooding Equipment in Poultry

    While brooding is an important management practice in poultry production, it is important to know the required brooding equipment. Remember, the purpose of brood… 展开

    Types of Brooders

    There are different types of brooders. They are: 1. Infrared heat lamps 2. Gas brooders 3. Hover brooders 4. Incandescent bulbs Infrared lamps are an excellent source of heat for broodin… 展开

    How to Brood Chicks

    Getting the chicks off to a good start is very important. Probably no other part of the enterprise deserves more planning and advance preparation than does the starting of baby chicks.… 展开

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