Brown skua - Wikipedia
The brown skua (Stercorarius antarcticus), also known as the Antarctic skua, subantarctic skua, southern great skua, southern skua, or hākoakoa (Māori), is a large seabird that breeds in the subantarctic and Antarctic zones and moves further north when not breeding.
Brown Skua - eBird
Large, dark brown skua with a very robust beak. Several subspecies vary in plumage from largely dark to mottled pale brown. In flight, exhibits a broad white patch on both upperwings and underwings. Usually seen well offshore, less often towards the coast; often follows boats.
Brown skua - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The brown skua (Stercorarius antarcticus), also known as the Antarctic skua, subantarctic skua, southern great skua, southern skua, or hākoakoa (Māori), is a large seabird that breeds in the subantarctic and Antarctic zones and moves further north when not breeding.
Brown Skuas - explorearth.com
Brown Skuas are large seabirds with dark brown plumage and powerful flight. They are opportunistic feeders known for their aggressive behaviour towards prey and intruders. Brown Skuas are frequently observed in their breeding areas and …
Skua - Wikipedia
The skuas range in size from the long-tailed skua, Stercorarius longicauda, at 310 grams (0.68 pounds), to the brown skua, Stercorarius antarcticus, at 1.63 kg (3.6 lb). On average, a skua is about 56 cm (22 in) long, and 121 cm (48 in) across the wings. They have longish bills with a hooked tip, and webbed feet with sharp claws.
Brown Skua - Avianbird
2023年4月9日 · The brown skua, scientifically known as Stercorarius antarcticus, is a large species of seabird that can be found in the southern oceans. This majestic animal has an impressive wingspan and is a formidable predator on land and sea.
Brown Skua | Stercorarius antarcticus | Species Guide | Birda
The brown skua, known scientifically as Stercorarius antarcticus, is a formidable seabird of the subantarctic and Antarctic realms. It is also referred to by various names including the Antarctic skua, subantarctic skua, southern great skua, southern skua, or hākoakoa in Māori.
Brown Skua Catharacta Antarctica Species | BirdLife DataZone
Catharacta antarctica is found on the Antarctic Peninsula and subantarctic islands of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, wintering near or slightly dispersed from the breeding area (del Hoyo et al. 1996).
大贼鸥 Brown Skua - 震旦鸟网
描述:体大 (63厘米)的肥胖型褐色贼鸥。 头顶深褐,中央尾羽甚尖细。 初级飞羽基部具白色宽大块斑。 尾短而圆。 与麦氏贼鸥区别在于体型较大,两翼基部较宽,嘴较大,上体与头部无反差;一些鸟头无深色;通体为偏红的褐色,体羽多细纹。 虹膜-褐色;嘴-黑灰;脚-黑灰。 叫声:通常不叫。 分布范围:南极地区及南半球的大洋。 分布状况:偶见。 台湾北部有一记录。 习性:大型贼鸥。 强掠其他繁殖期海鸟的巢、卵及幼雏。 迫使其他海鸟吐出食物。 在近巢处对其 …
Brown Skua (Tristan) - eBird
Learn about Brown Skua (Tristan): explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world.
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