What Do 'Huzz,' 'Bruzz' And 'Gruzz' Mean? The 'Uzz' Slang Words …
2024年11月14日 · How Are 'Huzz,' 'Bruzz' And Other 'Uzz' Words Used In Memes? The onslaught of "-uzz" words appearing on TikTok falls under the category of slang overload in which similar words are compounded into a single post to create a nauseating effect to parody chronically online behavior.
理解 TikTok 上的“Huzz”:网络俚语“Brain Rot”的解释
2024年11月21日 · Bruzz – 指兄弟; Gruzz – 代表奶奶; Fuzz – 表示新生; Chuzz – 代表“切碎”,暗示没有吸引力; Tuzz – 表示老师; Muzz – 意思是妈妈; Duzz – 代表爸爸; 这种俏皮词汇的出现被称为“脑腐语言”,暗示那些经常使用这些术语的人可能“长期在线”,在社交媒体上花费 ...
Bruzz - Know Your Meme
2024年11月13日 · Bruzz is an AAVE slang term that's a different way of pronouncing "Bros" as in a man's male friends. Bruzz is a variant of the slang term Huzz which means "Hoes." Both trended on TikTok in late 2024, alongside other AAVE terms turned Brainrot slang like Fine Shyt.
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Chuzz (Slang) - Know Your Meme
Chuzz is a brainrot slang term that emerged on TikTok as a derogatory manner to refer to an unattractive girl, part of the larger -uzz slang words. The term is derived from a combination of the slang "huzz" (an alternate spelling and pronunciation of "hoes") and "chopped" (meaning ugly) as in " chopped huzz " or "chuzz" for short.
The Viral "Huzz," "Bruzz," And Other "_uzz" Slang Terms Explained
Starting with referring to women as "huzz" and the bros as "bruzz"... Lately TikTokers have been whipping out a new kind of slang, and it all rhymes with "uzz."
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Clips of your favourite streamers 🦈💥 MEET THE BRUZZ: • KB 🧟♂️ • S-DOT 🥷 • SAWMA BLENDS 💈 • GSLIME 💰 • SAM 💥 • CAEL 💸 • EISSA 🏎️ • HIMO ☔️ ...
Bruzz over Huzz @TheBruzzHouse #foryou#shorts#viral#video
2025年1月9日 · Get ready for quick laughs and epic pranks! Watch Dom The Troll in action with hilarious, surprise-filled pranks in under 60 seconds. Don't forget to like, s...
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