sap erp - SAP query - BSEG and BKPF - Stack Overflow
Jan 12, 2021 · BSEG-KOART = 'S' => G/L postings, index tables are BSIS and BSAS BSEG-KOART = 'D' => customer postings, index tables are BSID and BSAD BSEG-KOART = 'K' => vendor postings, index tables are BSIK and BSAK. Alternatively you can use the posting key field as well (BSEG-BSCHL), however it is a bit more complicated:
Modify certain BSEG fields from customary structured table
Jul 8, 2019 · update bseg from zbseg this statement updates the field values from ZBSEG but for the rest will not keep old values but rather puts initial values. I've tried even that: SELECT * FROM bseg INTO TABLE gt_bseg. SELECT mandt bukrs belnr gjahr buzei buzid augdt FROM zbseg INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE gt_bseg.
abap - Update BSEG-ZUONR with Function Module - Stack Overflow
Nov 19, 2015 · Bseg-Zuonr contains the number of this purchase order position. If you were allowed to change this field ...
Delta Load on BSEG table into AZure using SAP table conenctor
Feb 22, 2022 · BSEG is a cluster table. It dates back to R2 days on Mainframes. See Se11 BSEG --> Menu option Database Object --> Database utility. Run Check. It will most likely say NOT ON DATABASE. If you want to access the data via views see one of the numerous index tables. BSxx description Accounting: Secondary Index for xxxxx
Extracting data from BSEG table in SAP by period
The problem is that BSEG doesn't hold the time, so I'm told that the work around is to extract all the document numbers for the period I'm after from BKPF into Excel, then extract all document numbers that exist in BSEG and the Excel. I'm not familiar with SAP, but isn't there a faster way to get the invoices from BSEG?
How can I link RSEG table into BSEG or RBKP to BSEG?
May 15, 2018 · I tried the concatenation of RBKP-BELNR and RBKP-GJAHR into BKPF-AWKEY to get the BKPF-BELNR then BKPF-BELNR to BSEG-BELNR, but always show no records. I need to link to the RSEG to BSEG or RBKP to BSEG. Need some help! thanks! Edit: I made the parked document in Tcode MIR7. I found this, but can't enter to VBSEGS table.
Using the table BSEG in a selection without INNER JOIN
Sep 27, 2021 · Normally I would have put the Inner join syntax for the table, but being that bseg is a cluster table, it does not accept the inner join option, and thus I cannot use the field koart. May anyone know, how can I put the field KOART of the BSEG in the selection above? Thank you very much in advance for your kind help!
abap - How to access the data in the table used for the FOR ALL …
Jun 3, 2014 · IF NOT lt_bkpf IS INITIAL. SELECT dmbtr FROM bseg CLIENT SPECIFIED INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF ls_bseg FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_bkpf WHERE bukrs = lt_bkpf-bukrs AND belnr = lt_bkpf-belnr AND gjahr = lt_bkpf-gjahr AND mandt = lt_bkpf-mandt. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_bseg TO ls_result.
abap - JOIN is not allowed for pool tables, cluster tables, and ...
Sep 27, 2021 · I am trying to select some fields of the table BKPF by using the inner join of the tables BSEG and KNBK, into another table. The code for this is as below: SELECT k~bukrs, k~belnr, k~budat, k~gjahr...
Data compression algorithm in SAP clusters - Stack Overflow
Jun 24, 2023 · Just to clarify what this "SAP cluster thing" is, here is an example based on BSEG and RFBLG. Technical structure (ABAP Data Dictionary/SE11) and contents for both (same lines are shown): RFBLG: BSEG: Relationship between ABAP and database: ABAP SQL: SELECT * FROM bseg INTO TABLE @DATA(itab). Technically speaking, the above SELECT executes 3 ...