SAP Connector: Fetching data from BKPF and BSEG using JOIN
2009年12月1日 · It's not possible, even in Abap code, to make a join on BSEG and BKPF. It's, as you wrote, a cluster table. It's a joined table from bkpf,bsid,bsad,bsis,bsik,bsak,bset (and other) For information, GLPCA and GLPCT are controlling table. BSEG,BKPF,BSID,BSAD, and other, are accounting or financial table. regards. serge
BSEG Table Loading Issue - Qlik Community - 866139
2015年5月15日 · sql subselect belnr,dmbtr from bseg where belnr in ( select belnr from bkpf where bldat >= '20150428' ) Please help me to resolve this Issue . I Need to fetch the BSEG and MSEG it is compulsory
How to load incremental data from BSEG and BKPF table - Qlik …
2013年3月13日 · select mandt kokrs kostl bukrs gjahr belnr buzei dmbtr umsks umskz koart augdt augbl zuonr wrbtr mwsts wmwst lifnr kunnr hkont gsber saknr sgtxt prctr shkzg from bseg; LOAD * RESIDENT BKPF WHERE CPUDT >= '$(vDateBKPF)' );
SAP Connection to Qlik Talend Cloud Data Integration - Qlik …
2025年1月17日 · A: In SAP, BSEG is a table that stores line item data for financial transactions, while MSEG is a table that stores material-related document segment data. Both are standard tables in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Explanation. BSEG; The BSEG table stores the segment or item data for financial transactions in SAP.
How to extract incremental data from BSEG table
2013年1月1日 · the BSEG table doesn't have a proper field for an incremental load. The best way to do a real good incremental load is to use the data source 0FI_GL_4. Let me know, if you have further questions. regards, Patrick
Solved: SAP connector to BSEG - Qlik Community - 193014
2009年12月1日 · Hi, the sap connector is to slow to pull the BSEG table into qlikview, i am now using ole db connection as a workaround on this problem. But I want to download now the BSEG table ( using the script of the connector) but this table is not present through the OLE db connection. Does anyone experienced...
How to apply incremental load on BSEG?? - Qlik Community
2015年3月11日 · Note that BSEG, being a cluster table, is often too big to do any classical incremental load tricks on. An alternative approach is to individually load all years before the current in separate QVD's once, and only reload the last year (in full) repetitively. Best, Peter
HOW TO FETCH DATA FROM CLUSTER table with reference to …
2010年12月30日 · BSEG is a cluster table. The SAP connector manuel says that you should use subselect, as follows: SQL SUBSELECT BUKRS BELNR GJAHR BUZEI BUZID AUGDT FROM BSEG WHERE BUKRS BELNR GJAHR IN ( SELECT BUKRS BELNR GJAHR FROM BKPF WHERE CPUDT = '20131023' );
BSEG Line item Value - SAP Community
My table link is BKPF --> BSEG --> VBRP ---> VBRK ---> Konv. i want to ftech Feild DMBTR and WRBTR from BSEG table using key belnr, but here lots of entry avalble same belnr, i want to fecth line BSEG-BUZEI line no 3. please guide me how to fetch this and which key field for another table. Thanks, Bhavesh
How to Reduce Extraction time for SAP ERP Tables
2018年1月3日 · Tables such as BSEG need incremental loads using the BKPF table. You can also reduce the amount of fields you are loading by commenting out fields you don't require. Here is an example of the incremental I am using, it loads only new data from SAP, loads the existing data from QVD, concatenates it together and saves it all back to QVD;