深度哈希检索代码解读之DSH(Deep Supervised Hashing for Fast …
2020年8月22日 · DSH算法的结构如上图所示,输入图片,通过卷积神经网络,最后得到一个k维的输出,用这个输出计算loss,通过loss方向传播计算梯度,从而更新网络的参数。
图像检索的深度哈希编码 - DSH - 《人工智能》 - 极客文档
在DSH的训练过程中,随着不断降低损失函数值,不仅实现了相同、不同图像的哈希距离的优化,而且还使得其编码值靠近二值,从而简捷地完成了端到端的哈希编码,此方法不仅绕开了传统方法在分解相似度矩阵时所面临的困难和限制,而且由于它可以充分利用大规模的训练数据,使得其结果比传统方法反而提高很多。 这也显示了深度学习应用于此领域的成功。
Genome-wide identification and expression analysis reveals …
2022年6月20日 · Brassinosteroid (BR)- signaling kinase (BSK) is a critical family of receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase for BR signal transduction, which plays important roles in plant development, immunity, and abiotic stress responses. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is cold- tolerant but heat- sensitive green leafy vegetable.
Dynamic spatial reorganization of BSK1 complexes in the plasma …
2021年4月5日 · Here we show that the dynamic spatial reorganization of BSK1 within the plasma membrane underlies the mechanism of signal-specific activation for growth or immunity. Resting BSK1 localizes to membrane rafts as complexes.
Structural Characterization of the RLCK Family Member BSK8: A ...
2013年11月15日 · Brassinosteroid signaling kinases (BSKs) are plant-specific receptor-like cytoplasmic protein kinases involved in the brassinosteroid signaling pathway. Unlike common protein kinases, they possess a naturally occurring alanine residue at the “gatekeeper” position, as well as other sequence variations.
Deep Supervised Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval - CSDN博客
2018年8月29日 · 这篇论文提出了一种名为Deep Supervised Hashing (DSH)的方法,使用深度CNN模型学习二进制编码,优化损失函数以最大化图像对的区别,并在离散输出上添加正则项。
Interaction of BSK1, BSK3, BSK5, BSK7, and BSK8 with
Brassinosteroid (BR) signalling kinases (BSKs) are RLCKs that activate BR signalling downstream of BRI1 [117]. BSKs have also been implicated in the regulation of plant defence responses [118,...
Genome-wide identification and expression analysis reveals …
2022年6月20日 · Background: Brassinosteroid (BR)- signaling kinase (BSK) is a critical family of receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase for BR signal transduction, which plays important roles in plant development, immunity, and abiotic stress responses. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is cold- tolerant but heat- sensitive green leafy vegetable.
OsBSK2, a putative brassinosteroid-signalling kinase, positively ...
水稻基因组中包含5个bsks成员:osbsk1-1、osbsk1-2、osbsk2、osbsk3和osbsk4,其中只有两个已被鉴定。 OsBSK3与拟南芥AtBSK3同源,可被OsBRI1磷酸化,并在水稻BR信号转导调控中发挥保守功能;OsBSK1-2与AtBSK1同源,正调控水稻免疫反应,但并不影响株型或BR信号转导。
BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid ...
The BIN2 and BIL2 GSK3-like kinases, which are negative regulators of BR signaling, interacted in vivo with BSKs and phosphorylated them in vitro, probably at different sites to BRI1. This study demonstrates redundant biological functions for BSKs, and suggests the existence of a regulatory link between BSKs and GSK3-like kinases.
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