Benign Variants in the EEG - Electroencephalography (EEG): An ...
The range of benign variants includes wicket waves, rhythmic mid-temporal theta of drowsiness (RMTD or RTTD), benign small sharp spikes (BSSS, sometimes denoted BSST for benign small sleep transients), 14 and 6 positive spikes, 6-Hz “phantom” spike and wave, subclinical rhythmic EEG discharge of adults (SREDA), and the midline theta rhythm ...
Normal Variants - Learning EEG
Benign epileptiform transients of sleep (BETS) are also called small sharp spikes (SSS). While BETS have a slightly oxymoronic name, they are in fact a normal, benign finding that you can …
The clinical significance of small sharp spikes: A retrospective …
2020年12月1日 · SSS can be an epileptiform EEG pattern for temporal lobe epilepsy. 1. Introduction. Small sharp spikes (SSS) are defined as electronegative spikes in the temporal region with duration < 50 ms and amplitude < 50μv, appearing almost exclusively during drowsiness and light sleep.
Benign EEG variants in the sleep–wake cycle: A prospective ...
2021年6月1日 · To study the prevalence of benign EEG variants (BEVs) in the sleep–wake cycle among 1163 consecutive patients. Prospective, observational EEG study using the 10–20 system with systematically two additional anterior-temporal electrodes. Depending on clinical indications, other electrodes were added.
Benign epileptiform variants in EEG: A comprehensive study of …
2024年8月1日 · The analysis of EEG demands expertise and keen observation to distinguish epileptiform discharges from benign epileptiform variants (BEVs), a frequent source of erroneous interpretation. The prevalence of BEVs varies based on …
Electroencephalography (EEG): An Introductory Text and Atlas of …
BSSS (aka BETS) on ipsilateral ear reference (left) and longitudinal bipolar montage (right). Note steep descending slope of low-amplitude spike and small after-coming slow wave, particularly at T7 to TP11. BSSS are a common feature in adult EEGs during drowsiness and sleep.
EEG Benign Variants - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2024年10月15日 · BSSS are among the most common benign EEG variants, appearing in 1.85% to 24% of scalp EEG recordings. [3] BSSS are usually observed in adults and seldom in children.
small sharp spikes
a.k.a. Small Sharp Spikes (SSS) Annotations: Off On Resize image: Montage: unspecifiedAtlas of electroencephalography
Benign epileptiform variants in EEG: A comprehensive study of …
Results: We identified 296 patients with BEVs after reviewing 3000 EEGs (9.9%). The most common BEV was small sharp spikes (SSS), observed in 114 patients (3.8%).
EEG Benign Variants - Europe PMC
2022年9月2日 · Benign sporadic sleep spikes (BSSS), also referred to as small sharp spikes or benign epileptiform transient of sleep (BETS), are low amplitude (<50 mV), brief (<50 ms), sharply contoured monophasic or biphasic electronegative spikes …