BS in Tourism Management (BSTM) | STI College
Get a head start for a career in the tourism and travel industry with our BSTM program. Aimed for developing globally competitive professionals with the skills to take on work opportunities in hotels, tour and travel agencies, airlines, and cruise lines, among many here and abroad.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management, major in Travel …
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT is a four-year degree program related to the fields of hospitality and tourism education. It provides students the opportunity to become directly involved in managing and planning the world’s biggest people industry – tourism.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management - Far Eastern University
The current Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) program is a four-year degree program with two tracks, namely Event Management and Travel and Tours Management. It prepares students for management positions in some of the largest and fastest-growing economic sectors worldwide in the tourism industry.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) The program is a ladderized curriculum which provides students with specific skills and competencies to enhance their opportunities to work while studying.
PUP BSTM - Program Description - Google Sites
The BS Tourism Management (BSTM) Program is a four-year academic program that encompasses technical, practical, and professional learning relevant to the different...
The current Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) program is a four-year degree program with two tracks, namely Event Management and Travel and Tours Management. It prepares students for management positions in some of the largest and fastest-growing economic sectors worldwide in the tourism industry.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management with specialization in ...
By priming you with how the tourism industry influences society locally, nationally, and globally, this program exposes you to real-life simulation and activities, hands-on-training, and an understanding and appreciation for geography and travel. In 3 to 5 years after graduation, the BSTM-IT graduate should:
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management BSTM Curriculum
The document outlines the curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management program at Batangas State University. Over the 4 year program, students will take courses covering topics such as global culture, tourism geography, hospitality management, tourism policy, sustainable tourism, and research methods.
CSTA-BSTM Lanyard Design - ph.pinterest.com
Explore the creative CSTA-BSTM lanyard design perfect for your ID card needs. This red and white strap is both stylish and practical.
通信网络中的BSTM帧 - CSDN文库
2023年6月27日 · bstm帧是通信网络中的一种数据帧格式,通常用于传输音频和视频数据。bstm帧包含了一定长度的数据和一些控制信息,用于标识数据类型、数据长度、传输方向等。 bstm帧的格式可以根据具体应用场景进行定制,但通常包含以下几个部分: 1.