B23R - Call of Duty Wiki
The B23R (also referred to as Beretta 23R) is a three-round burst handgun featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty: Strike Team. The B23R (referred to as B2023R and the Beretta 93R in the game files) can be selected in the customized loadout, and is also a part of the recommended loadout in "Achilles' Veil".
Weapon’s and class’es – Steam Solo
For Advanced my suggestion is The BT3R. The BT3R is a 3 round burst with low recoil. Its good for player’s who know how to aim right and want fast shooting kill’s. For Semi-pro my suggestion is The Tac-45 or The Five-Seven.
2S14 Zhalo-S - Wikipedia
The 2S14 Zhalo-S was built on the BTR-70 armored personnel carrier chassis, with a turret mounting an 85 mm 2A62 gun, which had identical ballistic characteristics and ammunition to the towed 2A55 anti-tank gun. The 2A62 was equipped with a muzzle brake with an efficiency up to 75-80%, able to fire 20-25 shells per minute.
Byrna | Best Non Lethal Self-Defense Products
Byrna Launcher are powered by compressed air (CO2), the Byrna handheld pistols and rifles shoot .68 caliber round kinetic and/or chemical irritant projectiles that can disable a threat from up to 60-feet away. It is an incredibly powerful and non-lethal self-defense weapon. DO I NEED ANY PERMITS OR BACKGROUND CHECKS TO OWN A BYRNA?
BTR-3 - Wikipedia
The BTR-3U is fitted with the one-person KBA-105 "Shkval" unified fighting module which can accommodate 30mm gun, 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, 30mm automatic grenade launcher and anti-tank guided weapons. This module was developed by the State Scientific Technical Centre of Artillery & Rifle Arms of Ukraine.
BTR-70 - Wikipedia
The BTR-70 is an eight-wheeled armored personnel carrier (Russian: бронетранспортёр, БТР, romanized: bronetransportyor, lit. 'armored carrier') originally developed by the Soviet Union during the late 1960s under the manufacturing code GAZ-4905. On August 21, 1972, it was accepted into Soviet service and would later be widely exported.
有飞傲btr3还要有必要买btr3k吗? - 知乎
1,BTR3 的3.5耳机插口只支持耳机输出,不支持带有MIC的耳麦,所以如果日常经常需要使用蓝牙耳机接听电话或使用视频音频通话的话,BTR3就必须要夹在领子附近,不能使用耳机自带的MIC、接听按键、切歌按键等。 BTR3K则支持CTIA协议的耳麦和线控,这样对于带线控的耳麦来说,可以把BTR3K装在裤子口袋里,耳机线从外衣里面走,避免被挂。 2,BTR3K在音质方面比BTR3有提升,解码放大路径方面有升级,这个可细查下相关对比。 (但也明显的造成 …
BTR-90 APC/IFV (1994) - tank-afv.com
The BTR-90 is designed for mobility and maneuverability on all terrain, still offering a good protection, and fitted with a large gun turret shared with the BMP-2 for commonality. It main feature is a pointed nose, reminiscent of the LAV-25 and modern 8x8 APC/IFVs.
FiiO High-Fidelity Bluetooth Amp BTR3
The Qualcomm CR8675 Bluetooth chip used in the BTR3 is a premium low-power solution designed for enhanced audio applications with support for 24-bit transmission and processing, thanks to its 120MHz DSP. This chip is also much more stable in signal strength than other competing chips, especially in situations with lots of interference.
FiiO High-Fidelity Bluetooth Amp BTR3K
The BTR3K comes with a symmetrical, detachable rear clip that allows you to easily carry it around. Bluetooth devices at once, allowing for even more convenience. without hassle! without even having to pull it out. sound. implements balanced output. It is a truly balanced design, with. channels each, for the purest sound possible. the BTR3K!