The plant unique ESCRT component FREE1 regulates …
2023年3月30日 · Here, we provide the mechanism underlying a plant unique protein FREE1, upon autophagy-induced SnRK1α1-mediated phosphorylation, functions as a linkage between ATG conjugation system and ESCRT...
A unique AtSar1D-AtRabD2a nexus modulates autophagosome ... - PNAS
2021年4月20日 · Strikingly, AtSar1dDN showed strong inhibition on autophagic flux upon DEX induction with BTH and ConcA treatment (Fig. 2 B and D). In sharp contrast, transgenic plants expressing AtSar1cDN merely perturbed the vacuolar delivery of mCherry-ATG8e upon DEX induction in the presence of BTH and ConcA (Fig. 2 B and D).
Plant Rho GTPase signaling promotes autophagy - Cell Press
2021年6月7日 · After autophagic induction by BTH (10 μM) and ConcA treatment (0.5 μM), ROP8 puncta formed in the cytoplasm (arrows) (early stage) and were eventually delivered to the vacuole lumen (arrowheads) (late stage).
Accumulation of soluble GFP protein in vacuole is dependent on autophagy pathway. Five-day-old Arabidopsis seedlings expressing GFP were treated with ConcA (0.5 μM) for 6 hours and then were subjected to confocal observing. The GFP signal was observed in vacuole upon ConcA treatment, but was not observed in autophagic
PNAS | 香港中文大学姜里文团队揭示植物特异的COPII被膜小泡参 …
Vacuolar accumulation and colocalization is not a proper …
Concanamycin A (ConcA) is one of the widely used inhibitors to study autophagy in plants. ConcA interferes with vacuolar-type H + -translocating ATPase by binding to the subunit c of the proton translocating Vo complex.
植物激活剂苯并噻二唑(BTH)的研究进展 - 百度学术
苯并噻二唑(BTH)是第一个成功商品化的植物激活剂Bion的有效成分.BTH是一种典型的植物抗病诱导剂,离体条件下无杀菌活性,但能够诱导植物的免疫活性,起到抗病,防病的作用.现对苯并噻二唑的特点,诱导植物的种类,抗病机制等进行了归纳总结,分析了目前苯并噻二唑 ...
苯并噻二唑诱导香蕉果实成熟和抗病的转录组 ... - X-MOL
苯并噻二唑(BTH)诱导植物抗病性并延缓果实成熟,但其可能的作用机制尚不清楚。因此,本研究调查了 BTH 对香蕉 ( Musa spp.) 果实成熟和发病率的影响。我们的研究结果表明,使用 BTH 通过抑制参与软化的酶来延缓成熟并保持果实硬度。
水稻WRKY45在苯并噻二唑诱导的抗病性中起着至关重要的作用 …
2007年7月3日 · 苯并噻二唑(bth)是一种所谓的植物激活剂,可通过激活水杨酸(sa)信号传导途径保护植物免受疾病侵害。通过微阵列筛选,我们鉴定出bth和sa诱导的wrky转录因子(tf)基因在bth治疗后3小时内被上调。
People - HINTS
Ilir Jusufi is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), with a keen interest in the application of Information Visualization and Visual Analytics in game data analysis, alongside traditional domains such as life sciences, humanities, IoT, and software engineering.