BTR-60 - Wikipedia
The BTR-60PA entered service with the Soviet Army in 1963, the BTR-60PA-1 and BTR-60PAI entered service in 1965, the BTR-60PB in 1966, the BTR-60PZ in 1972 and the BTR-60PBK in 1975. As newer models of the BTR-60 appeared, the older ones were gradually withdrawn from front-line service.
BTR-60 - Army Guide
The BTR-60Pu-12 operates with air defence units equipped with systems such as the ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, and 9K33 Osa (SA-8 'Gecko') and 9K35 Strela 10 (SA-13 'Gopher') self-propelled surface-to-air missile systems. The BTR-60Pu-12 is also known as the 9S482 with the BTR-60Pu-12M being the 9S482M.
BTR-60轮式装甲输送车 - 百度百科
升级后的btr-60pbm进行了多处改进,包括安装了与新型btr-80系列8×8装甲输送车相同的完整的动力传动装置以及相应的 变速箱 和 传动轴 。 动力传动装置包括一台KamAZ-7403 V-8 涡轮增压 柴油发动机,功率为260马力,最大行驶速度达到了100千米/小时,行程为600千米。
BTR-60 APC (1960) - tank-afv.com
Although Ob'yekt 1015B had the best results, GAZ was chosen because of their experience in this matter and industrial capabilities, to produce the BTR-60P, which was also simpler and low-tech, better suited for mass-production. The BTR-60P had a capacity for 16 soldiers but was open-top, unarmed and lightly armored.
BTR-60 Armored Personnel Carrier - inetres.com
BTR-60PU Armored command vehicle (ACV) variant with a 10 meter mast radio antenna and front-to-rear rail antenna for mobile use. It is easily recognizable by the bent, dipole antenna that runs nearly all around the top of the vehicle. The BTR-60PU has no turret, and normally does not have integral armament. BTR-60PU-12, BTR-60PU-12M
БТР-60轮式装甲人员输送车 - 百度百科
БТР-60П为基型车,于1961年装备,用以代替БТР-152(6×6)装甲人员输送车。 该车无装甲顶盖,车体为敞开式结构,1963年改进成БТР-60ПА。 1965年初,又在БТР-60ПА的基础上改进为БТР-60ПБ,并于1966年装备在摩托化步兵师属摩托化步兵团,尔后又装备于苏联海军陆战队。 它是БТР-60系列装备数量最多的一种。 该车有БТР-60ПУ指挥车和БТР-60ПБ前进对空联络车等多种变型,还在许多国家装备使用 [1]。 БТР-60П的车体是船形结构,由装甲板焊接而成,前部为 …
BTR-60 - Army Guide
A central tire-pressure regulation system fitted as standard on all BTR-60 series APCs enables the driver to adjust the tire pressure to suit the ground being crossed. The BTR-60P is fully amphibious being propelled in the water by a single water-jet mounted at the rear of the hull.
BTR-60 - 华文百科
BTR-60是一系列苏联八轮装甲人员(APC)中的第一辆车。它是在1950年代后期开发的,以替代BTR-152 ,并于1961年首次在公共场合见到。BTR代表Bronetransportyor (俄语: →→ πγCish度cartier')。
无炮塔的BTR-60P采用2人车组,可以运载16名全副武装的士兵,驾驶员和车长从各自所在一侧的舱门出入,正面有防弹玻璃制成的挡风玻璃,外部还有可升起的防护钢板,当它盖上时,驾驶员和车长可以通过潜望镜观察路面情况。 早期只在车头安装大灯,不具备夜视能力,后期增加了这一功能。 有顶部装甲板的型号额外增加一名炮手,他负责操作炮塔内机枪,乘员舱尺寸缩小后,最多可以运载14名全副武装的士兵。 士兵的出入口设置在车体顶部,意味着士兵们无论出入都需要 …
BTR-60 8x8 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) - Military Factory
2022年3月7日 · The armored 8x8 wheeled BTR-60 of 1960 was developed as a direct replacement for the 6x6 wheeled BTR-152 series Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) of 1950. The BTR-60 was a major improvement of the previous offering along many fronts, quite revolutionary in fact, and provided the Soviet military with a very capable and highly potent off-road ...