Airman (SrA) Below-the-Zone (BTZ) Promotion Program. The Central Base Board (CBB) and large units will utilize the procedures outlined in this instruction and within AFI 36-2502, Enlisted Airman Promotion/Demotion Program. Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to the OPR listed above using the AF Form 847,
Earn an extra stripe: Senior Airman 'Below the Zone' - U.S. Air Force
2021年7月27日 · Many aspects are tracked to determine who is nominated for BTZ promotions and eligible Airmen should be aware of some of the more important ones. The top 5 things Airmen need to understand about BTZ, according to Valdez: Knowing when you’re up for BTZ; Meeting and exceeding the expectations of your job is the top priority
USAF BTZ Calculator
Use this calculator to figure out when you are eligible for BTZ.
ENLISTED PROMOTIONS - Air Force's Personnel Center
For detailed information regarding the Below the Zone (BTZ) Program, Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS), eligibility criteria, general promotion testing and links to other resources related to enlisted promotions, please follow the link below.
PROMOTION - Air Force's Personnel Center
The link above will navigate users to the active-duty Officer Promotions webpage and includes information regarding promotion results and increments. The appearance of external links on …
BTZ (Below the Zone) EPR Bullet Examples
- Highly regarded and ambitious Airman; selected as and promoted to coveted SrA Below the Zone -- well deserved! - Leader amongst peers; selected as 2013 "Amn of the Year" and earned BTZ selection--top performer to date. - Bested all competitors; head & shoulders above peers; rare maturity, ready for increased responsibilities.
Force (DAF) Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route DAF Forms 847 from the field through Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) Promotions, Evaluations and Recognitions Policy Branch (AFPC/DP3SP), 550 C, JBSA-Randolph, TX 78150, or e-mail DAF Form 847 to [email protected]. Procedural guidance to ...
Supervisor's Tools - AF Mentor
2011年4月3日 · Quickly find out the Below the Zone (BTZ) dates of either 4 year or 6 year enlistees AF Bullet Database Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR), Officer Performance Reports (OPR) and Award (AF1206) bullets -- User contributed
Promotion / BTZ / STEP - AF Mentor
2010年2月11日 · We are always looking for example Senior Airmen Below-The-Zone (BTZ) and STEP packages. The examples below (although few) will help to enlighten new supervisors on BTZ. Basic build of the BTZ package. This will get you in the ball pack, but local guidelines will fill in the blanks. a new scoring sheet based off of 2008 guidance.
policies, responsibilities, and management of the Senior Airman (SrA) Below-the-Zone (BTZ) Promotion Program on Little Rock Air Force Base. Central Base Boards (CBB) and large unit selection boards will utilize the procedures outlined in this instruction and DAFI 36-2502. The