岿然不动 - 百度百科
岿然不动,汉语成语,拼音是kuī rán bù dòng,意思是像高山一样挺立着一动不动。 形容高大坚固,不能动摇。 出自《淮南子·诠言训》。
Beyond 'Ting Bu Dong': 11 Better Ways to Say I Don’t Understand …
There are many ways to say “I don’t understand” in Chinese. The most common one is 听不懂 (ting bu dong), however, it’s the conversation killer.
岿然不动是一个成语,读音是kuī rán bù dòng,意思是像高山一样挺立着一动不动。 形容高大坚固,不能动摇。
嵬然不动 - 百度百科
嵬然不动,汉语成语,拼音是wéi rán bù dòng,意思是高大坚固,不可动摇。 出自《淮南子》。
[stand loftity and firmly] 形容高耸挺立,稳固而不为外力所动。 亦作“岿然不动” 嵬然不动,成语,读音为wéi rán bù dòng,释义为高大坚固,不可动摇。 出自汉·刘向《淮南子》。
In Mandarin, what is the difference between "wo bu dong" and "wo bu …
wǒ bù dǒng: means I don't understand ( the deep meaning of a situation, theory,knowledge...) can't simply translate to 'I don't know'. We can't say: I don't know how to get there. ( wǒ bù zhī dào zěn me qù nà.) I don't know Richard. ( wǒ bù rèn shi Richard.) But you can say: I don't understand what you mean. ( wǒ bù dǒng nǐ zhè shì shén me yì si.)
一动不动是 汉语成语,拼音:yī dòng bù dòng。 意思是形容毫不移动。 瞿秋白 《那个城》:“那些树影--沉沉的垂枝,一动不动覆着默然不语的大地。 ” [2] 王朔 《浮出海面》:“我继续一动 …
What is the difference between "wo bu dong" and "ting bu
2023年4月20日 · 我不懂 is the short version of 我听不懂|wo bu dong refers to i don't know. ting bu dong on the other hand, refers to i don't understand (what you are saying)|我不懂这道题怎么做.
Bu Dong 不懂 Don't Understand Lyrics 歌詞 With ... - Chinese Song
2020年7月22日 · Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics: Some Great Reviews About Bu Dong 不懂.
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