Memory Powder aka Healthy Brain Formula - Bu Nao San 補腦散
BU NAO WAN (Strengthen Brain Pill) refers more to a category of herbal formulas rather than a single specific formula. Shen Clinic BU NAO SAN is also called Memory Powder, however memory support is not its only function.
安神补脑分散片 - 百度百科
安神补脑分散片,中成药名。 由鹿茸、制何首乌、淫羊藿、干姜、甘草、大枣、维生素B1组成。 具有生精补髓,增强脑力的功效。 用于神经衰弱,失眠,健忘,头晕。 本品为黄褐色片;味甘、辛,微苦。 生精补髓,增强脑力。 鹿茸、制何首乌、淫羊藿、干姜、甘草、大枣、维生素B1。 生精补髓,增强脑力。 用于神经衰弱,失眠,健忘,头晕。 0.7g。 将本品放入适量温开水中待分散均匀后口服,一次1片,一日2次。 尚不明确。 如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作 …
Bu Nao Wan - Brain Tonic Pill - 補腦丸 - American Dragon
Nourishes the Blood, nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin, nourishes Jing fills the marrow and arrests cough and wheezing. With Shan Zhu Yu, nourishes Kidney Yin and secures Jing, while restraining urination and sweating.
Bu Nao Wan 補腦丸 or Bu Nao Pian 補腦片 - Cerebral Tonic Pills
BU NAO WAN (PIAN): TCM for deficiency of blood and Yin causing poor concentration, poor memory, and brain fatigue. Also for restless sleep, periods of anxiety.
Bu Nao Wan - Brain Supplementing Pills - Yin Yang House
Bu Nao Wan is a candidate for consideration when needing to influence heart blood deficiency and/or phlegm misting the heart. Bu Nao Wan may potentially be used, in coordination with a well tailored overall approach, to influence the following conditions: anxiety , bipolar disorder (bd) , constipation , dementia , depression , epilepsy (seizure ...
Cerebral Tonic Pills Bu Nao Wan (300 Pills) (1 Bottle) (Solstice)
2005年5月7日 · Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. Supports the health and well-being of the brain and inner ear. This product supports mental alertness when you experience fatigue, drowsiness, restlessness, and insomnia. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
- 评论数: 80
Bu Nao Wan & Jian Nao Wan: Answering Questions - The Eastern …
2022年10月28日 · Bu Nao Wan and Jian Nao Wan (veg) are similar formulas designed to sharpen focus, calm the mind, and improve memory, and have a long history of use among adults and teenagers in China—they are especially popular among students preparing for exams, not just those with ADHD.
Bu Nao Wan – Cerebral Tonic – TaiChi People Herb Co, LLC
Improves poor memory, poor concentration, forgetfulness and mental fatigue. Bu Nao Wan can effectively enhance learning and memory in the brain by enriching the Blood, calming the Heart, and waking up the Brain. It’s a powerful traditional Chinese supplement that:
Shen Clinic, Memory Powder (Bu Nao San) / Healthy Brain Powder …
BU NAO SAN / Healthy Brain Powder Shen Clinic Brand Also known as: Memory Pill, Cerebral Tonic Pills, Healthy Brain Pills. Extra Strength Herbal Supplement Supports Normal Brain Function When to Use Healthy Brain Powder BU NAO WAN (Strengthen Br
Cerebral Tonic (Bu Nao Wan) for Mental Alertness | Buy Now!
What is Bu Nao Wan? This natural herbal supplement support greater mental alertness when you are feeling fatigued or drowsy. It helps you to stay more mentally sharp and can improve feelings of restlessness. Bu Nao Wan also provide support for the health of your inner ear and brain.
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