Conglomerate | Properties, Composition, Classification, Formation
2023年9月4日 · Conglomerate is a clastic sedimentary rock that shaped from rounded gravel and boulder sized clasts cemented or in a matrix supperted. The rounding of the clasts show that rocks have been transported a long way from their source or on …
Conglomerate (geology) - Wikipedia
Conglomerate (/ k ən ˈ ɡ l ɒ m ər ɪ t /) is a sedimentary rock made up of rounded gravel-sized pieces of rock surrounded by finer-grained sediments (such as sand, silt, or clay). The larger fragments within conglomerate are called clasts, while the finer sediment surrounding the clasts is called the matrix.
Conglomerate: Sedimentary Rock - Pictures, Definition & More - Geology.com
Conglomerate is a clastic sedimentary rock made up of rounded clasts that are greater than two millimeters in diameter. The spaces between the clasts are generally filled with sand- and clay-size particles. The rock is bound together by a cement that is usually composed of calcite or quartz. What Is Conglomerate?
Rock ID Study Sheet -Tulane Physical Geology Lab - Tulane …
SCORIA dark colored vesicular texture bubbly rock), light weight OBSIDIAN dark volcanic glass, has sharper edges and is more vitreous than chert SEDIMENTARY ROCKS
礫岩 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
砾岩 (英語: conglomerate)是一种 沉积岩,由从母岩上破碎下来的,颗粒 直径 大于2毫米的碎屑,经过搬运、沉积、压实、胶结而形成的 岩石,砾石的平均直径如果在2-4毫米,为细砾,4-50毫米称为中砾,50-200毫米为粗砾,大于200毫米为巨砾。 砾岩是一种 碎屑岩。 其胶结物中常含有 矿物,砾岩可以作为建筑材料。 砾岩比较粗糙,可以见到明显的砾石,如果胶结成岩石的砾石具有棱角,则称为 角砾岩。 底砾岩位于海侵层序的底部,与下伏岩层或呈假整合接触,代 …
Conglomerate: Identification, Pictures & Info for Rockhounds
Conglomerate is a clastic sedimentary rock made from many different sizes of rounded grains, many of which are gravel-sized or larger. These grains are fragments of other rocks, bound together by cement which is typically silica or calcite. The grains are well-rounded, which differentiates it from breccia.
PUMICE light colored, vesicular texture (bubbly rock), light weight SCORIA dark colored vesicular texture bubbly rock), ... OBSIDIAN dark volcanic glass, has sharper edges and is more vitreous than chert SEDIMENTARY ROCKS CONGLOMERATE has rounded pebbles, pebbles may be loose, inorganic BRECCIA same as above but with sharp edged pebbles, inorganic
Sedimentary rock - Clastic, Chemical, Organic | Britannica
2025年2月25日 · Conglomerates and breccias are sedimentary rocks composed of coarse fragments of preexisting rocks held together either by cement or by a finer-grained clastic matrix. Both contain significant amounts (at least 10 percent) of coarser-than-sand-size clasts.
Conglomerate: The Coarse-Grained Sedimentary Rock
Explore the properties, formation, and uses of conglomerate, a coarse-grained sedimentary rock known for its varied clasts and strength. Learn about its types, sourcing locations, and how to care for conglomerate in this detailed guide.
Conglomerate - Institut für Geowissenschaften
A conglomerate is a coarse-grained, clastic sedimentary rock in geology. It consists of at least 50% rounded components such as gravel or boulders, which are cemented by a fine-grained matrix. On the other hand, if the components are angular, it is called a breccia [1].