Pure Chromatography Systems | Buchi.com
Perform any flash or prep HPLC application easily and safely with our extremely compact Pure Chromatography Systems. The Pure platform is fitting to your needs and environment and offers maximal user and sample safety, while using minimal space. The smart design of the Pure Chromatography System is fitting to your needs and environment.
BUCHI 步琦 全能型制备液相色谱系统 Pure C-850 - 仪器信息网
BUCHI Pure C-850是新一代中高压一体纯化分离系统,提供紧凑设计和高级别安全防护,适合实验室环境。 该系统兼容多种检测器,支持从毫克到千克级别的样品纯化,并具备正相与反相应用切换能力。
BUCHI 步琦 全能型制备液相色谱系统 Pure C-850_参数_价格-仪器 …
BUCHI Pure C-850是步琦推出的全新一代中高压一体纯化分离系统,紧凑的空间设计,极高的安全防护级别,使客户可以在有限的实验空间内,简单安全得进行纯化分离实验。
BUCHI Pure 中高压一体纯化分离系统Pure C-850_技术特点_分析 …
BUCHI Pure C-850是步琦推出的全新一代中高压一体纯化分离系统,紧凑的空间设计,极高的安全防护级别,使客户可以在有限的实验空间内,简单安全得进行纯化分离实验。
BUCHI Pure 中高压一体纯化分离系统Pure C-850-高压均质机
BUCHI Pure C-850是步琦推出的全新一代中高压一体纯化分离系统,紧凑的空间设计,极高的安全防护级别,使客户可以在有限的实验空间内,简单安全得进行纯化分离实验。
User Manuals: Buchi Pure C-850 Chromatography Systems
Buchi Pure C-850 Operation Manual (102 pages) Chromatography Instruments Brand: Buchi | Category: Laboratory Equipment | Size: 6.12 MB
Chromatography system - Pure C-850 FlashPrep - LPP Group
Pure C-850 FlashPrep maximizes your lab space thanks to its multifunctionality and compact design. The Pure platform allows for combining two techniques, flash and prep HPLC, in one system without sacrificing features or functionality. It enables a fast purification or a higher purity of your material or both.
步琦 Pure C-850 - 仪器谱 - 分析测试百科网
BUCHI Pure C-850是步琦推出的全新一代中高压一体纯化分离系统,紧凑的空间设计,极高的安全防护级别,使客户可以在有限的实验空间内,简单安全得进行纯化分离实验。
BUCHI Pure 中高压一体纯化分离系统Pure C-850_价格参数|仪器信 …
BUCHI Pure C-850是步琦推出的全新一代中高压一体纯化分离系统,紧凑的空间设计,极高的安全防护级别,使客户可以在有限的实验空间内,简单安全得进行纯化分离实验。
Buchi V-850 Vacuum Controller | Marshall Scientific
The Buchi V-850 Vacuum Controller is a stand alone valve unit for operation with external vacuum systems, such as the Buchi V-700 vacuum pump which works with the R-210 rotovap system. The easy-to-operate V-850 units are equipped with a single control knob and a large graphic display screen with intuitive menu guidance and six selectable ...