Buck nemo 122? - BladeForums.com
2017年12月8日 · Hello, I bought this recently and just wanted to get confirmation if this is the 122 or not. I'm not professional knife expert so I'm not to familiar with the knife terms you all use. I asked a buck historian on email and she had said the …
Review - Buck Ultimate Fillet knife 122 | BladeForums.com
2008年4月7日 · Buck went to 425m in late 1986 not 82 except for the 110 per their date look up chart. The ultimate fillet knife came first around 1982-83 as a special for bass pro along with a wood handled 123 the following year when both got the etching for BPS.
Buck 122 Fillet Knife - BladeForums.com
2018年4月22日 · Hello all, I recently purchased an older model Buck 122 Fillet Knife with a wooden handle in mint condition. I have many other Buck knives, and all the tang stamps are facing up from the handle. This one is upside down. Holding the handle with the blade pointing up, it reads: BUCK 122 USA...
Model 122 filet knife - BladeForums.com
2005年10月28日 · Although the filet knife and the Nemo shared the model # 122, the first time Buck used the 122 model # was in the 1951 catalog. The model 122 was a small knife with a 3 1/2 inch blade, used for small game and birds.
Old Buck Fixed Blades - BladeForums.com
2007年8月23日 · The 122 Scout looks like today's 107 & the 124 Ranger looks like todays 102. The 108 Sportsman looks like todays 117. The 107 Trout looks a little like today's 121. The 109 Ranger set, a twin set. Holds a 105, 107 or 108. They look like todays 102 & 105 or 121. These came out of the Buck plant at 1272 Morena Blvd. location.
Buck Nemo #122 - BladeForums.com
2008年2月28日 · hkingdom is correct; You have the very first product variation of the 122/124 with the white teflon spacers. The Prototype permutation was a BUCK* in which 30-50 were made. When the Grand Dame of Buck knives debuted in 1967, …
Buck 122 Nemo Information - Pictures Added - BladeForums.com
2016年10月12日 · Dj, welcome. Your Nemo would have to be a 1971 model 122. It should have a lanyard hole. The box should be a 2 piece yellow box. That model was discontinued that year. Then brought back in 1973 for half the year then discontinued for good. Your level of membership does not allow you to ask for values. Read the rules at the Buck topic page.
Buck 122 Nemo - BladeForums.com
2020年3月19日 · Congrats, you have a 1967 Nemo, The sheath, white spacers and the Buck USA tang stamp are the critical dating factors. The Frontiersman came with a flapover sheath. You should go out and buy lotto/powerball tickets. According to Joe Houser, Buck Historian, around 300-500 were made. ETA, it's 440C steel
Buck 122 NOT the 122 Nemo - BladeForums.com
2014年2月26日 · The 122 fillet knife ran from 1984 thru 1988 according to Joe's fillet knife data sheet. They had a retail price of 38.50 and the quantity made were very low. I would assume ( don't hold me to it ) that because the 122 was popular Buck wanted to keep the knife in play and ran a bunch with LakeMate blades and the nice wooden handle.
BUCK 122 Nemo - BladeForums.com
2024年4月9日 · Some are like a 122/124 model which is what I think this one is. There is a thread if you search 122 as far as I know. Just adding this from memory. Thanks Pete The real nemo sheath is plastic with leg straps for a diver alot of them are pretty much dried out and cracked from what I have seen. This one was tainted by initials - what can ya do