Buck 371 Stockman, Woooo...! - BladeForums.com
2005年12月31日 · For example, the new model 371 Stockman (3.875 inches (98 mm) closed) with three blades of 440C is $28 versus the original made-in-the-USA 301 Stockman, which is $43 with 420HC blades. While the original has black plastic scales, these have Paca wood.
Buck Stockmen Compared 301/371. - BladeForums.com
2001年4月20日 · Here are the pictures for contrast and comparison of the American made Buck 301 and the Chinese made Buck 371 Stockman Pattern slipjoints. Both knives are new 2005 manufacture, the 371 was bought by me at my local Wal-mart, and the 301 was sent to me by Buck as replacement for a new 301 I had recently purchased that would not allow the Spey ...
BUCK 371 aka the Wal-Mart Special model or China Buck
2014年7月6日 · Got it August for 19:98 at my Local Store , one in the Display had perfect fit finish and snap. The one I unboxed at Home had a very gritty sheep's foot blade after a solid cleaning and 2 of the Scale pins were proud on each side. So the following Tuesday it got shipped to Buck in Idaho. It came back 4 weeks later just right.
Buck 371 steel - BladeForums.com
2007年5月24日 · Giul, Welcome. The knives made under the foreign contract, which I'm thinking is the case with a 371. Carry/use the closest steel they can get to 420hc. Which is 420J2. Maybe even a modified version of that steel. Whereas 440C is a different animal and has long since been discontinued. Except recently Buck used it in making a limited edition 110.
371 vs. 301 - BladeForums.com
2008年11月11日 · Upon arriving at the sporting goods counter, I noticed that the Buck stockman was indeed the 371 imported version, and not the 301 as I had remembered. After inspecting the knife, taking note of it still having Buck's lifetime warranty, and knowing that Buck has great customer service, I ultimately purchased it, not wanting to leave empty handed.
Case vs buck stockman - BladeForums.com
2020年1月12日 · Be aware the Buck knives are a Three backspring design, whereas the Case (and most other brands) are a Two backspring design, which requires kinking the blades to fit them all in. I've compared the over-all thickness of my Buck 301 and 371's to Rough Rider and (offshore made) Schrade stockmans. The Rough Rider and Schrade are both two spring ...
Buck Knives - Made in the USA?? - BladeForums.com
2010年12月23日 · I have several older Buck knives, - 311 Trapper given to me in 1977 - Folding Hunter 110 , at least 30 yrs old. - A Buck Lite Hunter - lost in the house somewhere. - I gave a Cadet, or simialr model, away years ago to a friend. I know this must sound like a …
Recommendation? - Buck's Canoe/ Stockmann - BladeForums.com
2015年3月8日 · The 371 is a touch stiffer to open than the 301, a 6, maybe 6 1/2 compared to the 5 of the 301. The 389 has about the same pull as the 371. The Buck 389 and 371 are both a fine knife. They were all sharp out of the box. They also have Buck's Forever Warranty. The Rough Rider canoes and stockman are also a very good knife.
Buck-made in china - BladeForums.com
2020年1月16日 · For example even Buck wouldn't say the 110 is the best Buck for fishing, as is claimed there. The site says "420HC is perhaps the most popular choice when it comes time for a manufacturer to select the steel variety for blade construction." Except for Buck, most manufacturers don't choose 420hc.
In Re: Buck's Rendition of 420J2? - BladeForums.com
2014年10月21日 · It is my understanding the Buck 371 Stockman, and 389 Canoe, (among others that I don't have) are equipped with 420J2 blades. Does Buck use a special heat treat on their 420J2, and/or run it at a higher Rockwell than "everyone else"? I haven't noticed my two 371 stockman's and single 389 canoe...