Seriously, what does it even mean? Is there a origin for skill names ...
Nov 5, 2022 · “Bufu” seems to come from a Sanskrit word meaning “To fill with large lumps of ice”, but I’ve found it very difficult to actually source this, short of actually asking someone fluent in the language. “Mudo” means “curse in Japanese. “Hama” comes from a type of Shinto exorcism.
bufu : r/PERSoNA - Reddit
Apr 23, 2021 · 4.2K votes, 54 comments. 259K subscribers in the PERSoNA community. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter.
Do the elemental attack names agi, bufu, etc) mean anything or
Jun 17, 2022 · Bufu=burf, Sanskrit word for ice Agi=agni, Sanskrit word for fire Garu=Garuda, an ancient Hindu figure commonly called the Lord of the Wind Soma=soma, an ancient elixir of life Amrita=Amrita, literally an elixir
Persona spell name origins! The real English name of the spell Bufu
Nov 13, 2021 · So the real English name for bufu would be Vuh! Another popular theory among the Japanese is that it comes from Fubuki, the Japanese word for snow storm. So Atlus never revealed the exact origins in Japanese either.
Feb 25, 2023 · Chie just learns bufu for a part of the game where you don't have the actual ice mage. She is the physical damage dealer. She's also fairly decent at it as she learns apt pupil and has at least average luck.
Good Personas with Bufudyne or Bufu skills at level 39?
Apr 14, 2020 · Having trouble at the floor 122 boss and it’s weak to ice. But the only persona I have that has a Bufu skill is my Lamia (which has a magic skill of 52). I’m looking for something with Good Bufu skills that I could fuse from Lamia and somethin else so I can inherit the magic stat from Lamia.
How to learn mubufu on jack frost? : r/Persona5 - Reddit
Dec 30, 2022 · So I got the "quest" to give the twins a jack frost with mubufu and I read that Jack Frost learns it at lvl 12 but mine is lvl 13 and only has bufu…
Where do SMT spell names come from? : r/JRPG - Reddit
Dec 21, 2020 · Ahhhhh. One sec. working. I know this. Okay, so different things have different sources. The basic elemental spells are adapted from Sanskrit smashed with bits and pieces of proto-European mythology, Mudo and Hama are Latin but written using specific kanji, making them sound one way but written another, and the Megido spells are based on Hebrew.
Where does the term "bum fuck egypt" come from? Why is it used …
Some explanations here, but mostly it came from military slang to portray a place far far away.In the 1960-70s, Egypt still held a mystique as an out of the way, far away, mysterious, exotic place to most Americans.
Persona 3 Reload 100% Guide : r/persona3reload - Reddit
A great guide! I'm just about to wrap up the game (saved just before that Tartarus climb on 31st of Jan) and got there broadly following the PowerPyx guide.