Bufû Ikkan – Shiro Kuma - kumablog.org
2010年10月30日 · Sensei said that “the secret of budô is 武風一貫 bufû ikkan (translated in “unarmed fighting techniques of the samurai” p.51, by the way of war is survival*). This is the …
Bufu Ikkan 武風一貫 - torontobujinkan.com
2021年5月19日 · Regardless of force, winds blow constantly all around us with far reaching, ever present effects. This is the reason for the expression bufu ikkan, which is often translated as …
Bufu Ikkan - Bujinkan: Living Warrior Dojo Blog
2019年3月27日 · It says Bufu Ikkan, which roughly translated means "The Martial Winds Blow Every Day." It can also mean, "The Way of War is Survival," as translated in Unarmed Righting …
Learning The Concept of " Bufu Ikkan" - YouTube
2023年11月6日 · Hi everybody today we are learning the concept of Bufu Ikkan ( the element of wind ) and explain more in depth about this important concept in our budo path journey. This is …
Budo - Bujin - Buyu - Kihon.com
Hatsumi Soke has spoken of 'Bufu Ikkan' - 'a primary inspiration that is drawn from the martial wind, that blows across the world connecting 'Buyu' martial friends'. Martial arts should thus be …
Core Training - Rukasu Budo Dojo
The members must follow the “Bufu Ikkan” (the principles and the way of the warrior every day in life) for selfpreservation, natural justice and happiness through martial arts and martial way. …
October 30, 2010 – Shiro Kuma - kumablog.org
2010年10月30日 · Sensei said that “the secret of budô is 武風一貫 bufû ikkan (translated in “unarmed fighting techniques of the samurai” p.51, by the way of war is survival*). This is the …
Shin Gi Tai Ichi Bufu Ikkan Menkyo. The achievement of the Shin Gi Tai Ichi level stands for the realization of unity of the mind (spirit), body and action (technique). This is considered to be …
Bufu-ikkan (perseverar en la Vía Marcial) – Bushi Dojo
2012年7月14日 · El mayor secreto del Budo es mantener el Bufu Ikkan (la vía de la guerra es la supervivencia). Este es el secreto yang. Otro secreto es alimentar la mente sin dar el primer …
Bufu Ikkan - living-warrior.blogspot.com
It says Bufu Ikkan, which roughly translated means "The Martial Winds Blow Every Day." It can also mean, "The Way of War is Survival," as translated in Unarmed Righting Techniques of the …