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Bug Club Phonics Progression Chart In this chart we show the order in which we teach the GPCs and tricky words. This progression, and the method, follows what the Clackmannanshire Study has shown to be effective in rapidly developing independent reading skills in children. Phase and unit GPCs Common Irregular Words/ High-Frequency Words
The Bug Club Phonics KS1 Assessment Tracker, which can be found at the top level of Bug Club Phonics planning guidance, under Accompanying Resources, is a useful tool that you can use to identify those children that are on track, and those who would benefit from interventions in …
The following table shows a suggested progression for Bug Club Phonics, mapped across Reception, Year 1, and some of Year 2. It consists of opportunities to Teach, Practice, Review, Assess, and Consolidate. However, this plan should be considered a guideline to be adapted to individual and classroom needs.
Bug Club Phonics Decodable Readers offer fiction and nonfiction books with a range of characters and themes to appeal to every child. 131 titles spread across a full scope and sequence! Bug Club Phonics Decodable Readers are organized into sets with each set focusing on particular letter-sound correspondences.
Bug Club Phonics Progression Chart In this chart we show the order in which we teach the GPCs and tricky words; the latter are taught by drawing children’s attention to the unusual part of the spelling and letting them work out the rest for themselves using the taught GPCs and then blending for reading.
Bug Club Phonics is an evidence-based synthetic phonics teaching program featuring fiction and non-fiction readers designed for explicit instruction and independent reading. It follows the Letters and Sounds progression which has been shown to provide students with a …
Bug Club Phonics walk-through for parents. Step 1: Firstly, go to . www.activelearnprimary.co.uk. Click on the yellow Log in button and use your child's username, password . and school code that the teacher provided. Once logged in you will be taken to the Pupil World homepage. This is where you can . access all of the homework.
This chart shows how the Bug Club Phonics titles and teaching units align with Letters and Sounds (2007). Every book is also available as an eBook in the online reading world! Bug Club Phonics Whole-class Teaching Software gives you everything you need to teach children the mechanics of reading.
Bug Club | Aylward Primary School
At Aylward, pupils across all year groups have access to an online reading and comprehension program called Bug Club. Through this website, pupils are assigned levelled books which match the difficulty of the banded book they read at school and at home. When children read books on Bug Club, they are tested with a range of comprehension questions.
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