wug - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2023年11月21日 · wug (plural wugs) (anthropology) In folk taxonomy, a creature with worm or insect features; colloquially, a bug or creepy-crawly. [1]
The Bugawug automatic pet water bowl was designed for the Good Health of your pet, to provide a Constant Water source, and as a Durable pet appliance that can be consistently relied upon. Information. 1-800-555-1212. Toll Free.
What is a Wug? - The Language Nerds
A wug is an imaginary cartoon creature created and first used by psycholinguist Jean Berko Gleason to test people’s ability to use the English plural morpheme*. The test usually involves two cartoon panels—one depicting one wug with the caption “This is a wug,” and the other depicting two wugs with the caption “Now there is another one.
Insect hunting as sport has entered the 21st Century with Bug-A-Salt. Our insect eradication devices fire ordinary table salt to kill pesky flies. We ship to all 50 states. Fast Shipping. Fire your flyswatter!
Wug - Everything2.com
Wug generally includes within its scope all insects, worms, spiders, millipedes, and the like, and may also include small reptiles and amphibians. While many modern languages have a word equivalent to wug -- for example, the Chinese chong (虫 or 蟲) and the Portuguese bicho -- the closest English comes is creepy-crawlies, or, depending on ...
Urban Dictionary: Wugged
2005年6月7日 · Wug/ woug: a word hug for when you can't give a real hug to someone who needs it. "oh let me give you a wug! My friend Amy was sad so I decided to give her a wug, quatintine won't allow for real hugs mate. Get the Wug mug. People from another place, who are greater beings then everyone else. Those wugs rule us all. Get the Wug mug.
非母语人士是形态简化的驱动力吗?荷兰过去时系统的 Wug 实验
与语言接触相关的一种简化是日耳曼过去时的正则化。 然而,Cuskley 等人关于英语过去时系统的 Wug 任务。 (2015) 表明,非母语人士比母语人士更倾向于使用不规则的过去时。 在本文中,我们复制了荷兰语的 Wug 实验。
wug test的利弊 - 百度知道
2022年3月30日 · 波士顿大学 是心理语言学教授JeanBerkoGleason的故乡,他在1958年发明了wugtest作为一种语言学工具来测试孩子们学习 名词复数 或动词 过去时 的"语素"的能力。 这个过程需要向孩子们展示一系列虚构的场景,比如第一个场景,一个"wug"变成了两个"wugs",然后分析他或她对复数"Z"、"S"和"tZ"所需的三个"allomorph"发音的正确程度。 这个测试还评估了其他语素学习类型,例如,一个学生真正学会了使动词过去时或 名词所有格 的正确方法。 女人站在 …
Ugh-a-Wug Flashcards | Quizlet
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This is a very tiny wug. What would you call a very tiny wug?
2023年10月17日 · The term 'wuglet' uses a diminutive form which often implies smallness, while 'mini wug' straightforwardly indicates a smaller version of a wug. For the second part of your question, the house where a wug resides could be called a 'wug's house', 'wug home', or even 'wug residence'.