Buje - Wikipedia
Buje (Italian: Buie; [4] Venetian: Buje) is a town situated in Istria, Croatia's westernmost peninsula. Buje was known as the "sentinel of Istria" for its hilltop site located 10 km (6.2 mi) inland from the Adriatic Sea.
Buje, Istra turistički vodič - Službeni turistički portal TZ Istarske ...
Upoznajte grad Buje sa službenim turističkim portalom Istre koji će vam pomoći u pronalasku predivnih lokacija, bogate kulturne baštine i autentične gastronomske ponude.
Buje, Croatia - What to visit and experience? - Colours of Istria
Tourist guide for your vacation in Buje. Find out everything about history, events, culture and art, tourist offer and accommodation in Buje.
Buje travel guide - Official website of Istria Tourist Board
Explore the town of Buje with official tourist website for travelling through Istria which will help you find beautiful locations, rich cultural heritage and authentic gastronomical offer.
Buje - Što posjetiti i doživjeti? - Colours of Istria
2015年5月7日 · Turistički vodič za Vaš odmor u Bujama. Saznajte sve o povijesti, događajima, kulturi i umjetnosti, turističkoj ponudi i smještaju u Bujama.
Buje, Croatia: Travel Guide for a Perfect Visit! - PlacesofJuma
2024年2月1日 · The enchanting town Buje in Croatia is located in the hinterland of Istria, about 13 kilometers from the resorts of Umag and Novigrad. Surrounded by a breathtakingly beautiful hilly countryside, by vineyards and olive groves, and with a town center that is well worth seeing, this pretty town is a true pearl on the Istrian peninsula and a ...
Buje, Istria - Croatia Traveller
Only 13km from the coastal resort of Umag, Buje is the place to have it all: easy access to the beach; a fascinating historical center to discover; a glimpse of authentic Istrian life. With a population of over 3000, Buje is more than a village but less than a city.
Buje, Istra - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Buje (italijansko Buie d'Istria) so istrsko mesto ter sedež istoimenske mestne občine (hrv. Grad Buje), ki upravno spada v Istrsko županijo. Buje so tudi prometno, upravno, oskrbno ter infrastrukturno središče širše pokrajinske entitete med rekama Dragonjo (oz. slovensko mejo) na severu in dolino reke Mirne, na jugu, z imenom Bujščina (hrv.
Buje, Istra | Što vidjeti u Bujama? - villsy.com
Buje, Istra | Što vidjeti u Bujama? Ako želite doživjeti autentičan osjećaj života u Istri , razmislite o posjetu Bujama, malom mjestu na sjeverozapadnom dijelu istarskog poluotoka. Bogate …
Buje, Turistički vodič za odmor i ljetovanje – Buje, Istra
Buje (tal. Buie), grad na sjeverozapadu Istre, nalazi se na brežuljkastom krajoliku između Mirne i Dragonje, na državnoj cesti Pula–Kopar–Trst.