Bulgan (city) - Wikipedia
Bulgan (Mongolian: Булган) is a town, administrative centre of Bulgan Province of Mongolia. Bulgan sum has a population of 11,984 (2005, town proper 10,878 [1]), 12,323 (2008), [2] town proper has a population of 11,198 (2008). [2]
Bulgan Province - Wikipedia
Bulgan Province (Mongolian: Булган аймаг) is one of the 21 provinces of Mongolia, located in the north of the country. Its capital is also named Bulgan.
Bulgan - Wikipedia
Bulgan may refer to: Bulgan Province, a province (aimag) of Mongolia; Bulgan (city), the capital of Bulgan province; Bulgan Airport, the airport of Bulgan city; Bulgan Gol, a upstream river of Ulungur River; several districts (sums) in different provinces: Bulgan, Arkhangai; Bulgan, Bayan-Ölgii; Bulgan, Dornod; Bulgan, Khovd; Erdenebulgan ...
Булган аймгийн ЗДТГ
Халх Монголын хоймор болсон хангайн сайхан Булган аймгийн мэдээлэл, цаг үеийн үйл явдал, аймгийн Засаг дарга, түүний Тамгын газрын үйл ажиллагаатай холбоотой мэдээлэл зэрэг орон нутгийн олон талт мэдээллийг багтаасан албан ёсны цахим хуудсанд тавтай морилно уу. © 2025 Булган аймгийн Засаг Даргын Тамгын газар. Бүх эрх хуулиар …
Bulgan Province Map - State - Mongolia - Mapcarta
Bulgan is one of the 21 aimags of Mongolia, located in northern Mongolia. Its capital is also named Bulgan. Mapcarta, the open map.
Bulgan Province - all about Mongolia
2025年1月21日 · Bulgan province is situated in the northern part of Mongolia, sharing borders with Khuvsgul, Arkhangai, and Selenge provinces. The provincial capital, Bulgan, serves as the administrative and economic center.
Bulgan - Mongolia guide
Mongolia's largest river, the Selenge Gol, crosses the aimag's north, and the Orkhon and Tuul rivers meander around the southern parts. Bulgan aimag is rich in beautiful places, such as Eg-Selenge, Eg-Tarvagatai meadow, Uran-Togoo, Khugnukhan. Khuiji, Uurt and other springs of the province are popular destinations.
Булган аймгийн ЗДТГ - bulgan.gov.mn
2021年10月26日 · Булган аймаг нь Монгол орны хойд хэсэгт байрладаг. Хангайн уулархаг ойт хээрийн бүсэд ОХУ болон Хөвсгөл, Архангай, Өвөрхангай, Төв, Сэлэнгэ аймагтай хиллэн оршдог. Алдартан анхдагчдын өлгий нутаг, Их жанжин Сүхбаатарын одонт аймаг юм. Нутаг дэвсгэр: 48.8 мянган хавтгай дөрвөлжин км нутаг дэвсгэртэй. Засаг захиргаа:
Bulgan – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Bulgan is a city in the Bulgan province of Mongolia. The city is home to several small museums and a small active monastery that occupies a temple built in 1876, with about 30 active monks just south of the city.
Bulgan Map - Bulgan District, Mongolia - Mapcarta
Bulgan is a city in the Bulgan province of Mongolia. The city is home to several small museums and a small active monastery that occupies a temple built in 1876, with about 30 active monks just south of the city.
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