意大利语 中的 pulire 动词变位表 - Collins Online Dictionary
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动词'pulire'的变位 | 意大利动词变位查询 - 博大意汉词典 online
pulire的动词变位,pulire六个人称,以及各种时态的变位查询 (直陈式现在时,过去与将来时,条件与虚拟式等等),学习意大利动词pulire应该怎么用,请牢记哟!
Conjugation verb pulire in Italian - Reverso
Conjugate the Italian verb pulire: indicative, congiuntivo, condizionale, passato prossimo, auxiliary essere, avere. Translate pulire in context, with examples of use and definition.
bulire - definiție și paradigmă - dexonline
Definiții, conjugări, declinări, paradigme pentru bulire din dicționarele: MDA2, DEXI, Argou.
bulir - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年12月21日 · bulir (first-person singular present bulo, first-person singular preterite buli, past participle bulido) Pare de bulir com seus colegas. Stop provoking your colleagues.
PULIRE- 意大利语-英语词典中的释义——剑桥词典
muck out [phrasal verb] to clean (a stable).
Conjugation Table for the Italian Verb "Pulire" (to Clean or Polish)
2020年2月21日 · Pulire is a regular third-conjugation Italian verb meaning to clean, polish, or clear. It is a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object. It is also an -ire type verb. When it comes to the indicative and subjunctive present moods, many -ire verbs add the suffix -isc to the first, second, and third person singular and third person plural.
pulire - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年11月26日 · Inherited from Latin polīre (“to polish, to smooth”). pulìre (first-person singular present pulìsco, first-person singular past historic pulìi, past participle pulìto, auxiliary avére or (in the archaic intransitive usage) èssere)
Bulire on Scratch
avoid or die v3 dragons lair escape by Bulire; avoid or die v2 Bush escape by Bulire
bulir - Dicionário Online Priberam de Português
Provocar algum estado emocional, geralmente incómodo ou irritação (ex.: a situação está a bulir com ele; esta voz estridente bole-me com os nervos). = AFECTAR, MEXER. 5. Fazer troça de. = GOZAR, TROÇAR, ZOMBAR. 6. [Brasil, Popular] Tirar a virgindade de. 7. [Portugal, Informal] Trabalhar (ex.: ela está sempre a bulir).