Paul Bunyan - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Paul Bunyan was an event reward from All the Statesmen! ~Learn With Manga Records of the American Frontier~ and All the Statesmen! ~Learn With Manga Records of the American Frontier~ Re-run Event. Her Servant Coins are now permanently available from Evocation Festival Part 10. She has the...
Paul Bunyan - TYPE-MOON Wiki
Paul Bunyan WP (ポール・バニヤン, Pōru Baniyan?), Class Name Berserker (バーサーカー, Bāsākā?), is the Berserker -class Servant of Gudako in the parody work Learn with Manga! FGO. She is also summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order.
保罗·班扬 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
2024年8月27日 · 在美利坚合众国开拓时代的Tall tale(荒诞故事)中登场的樵夫,传说中是个身高直冲云霄的魁梧男人。 由于其巨大的身材,产生了很多规模大到离谱的传说,传说北美众多 …
Super Bunyan | Servants - Fate/Grand Order Wiki - GamePress
2022年4月27日 · Super Bunyan is the much needed glow-up version of the lovely Paul Bunyan that everyone knows and loves. With a unique mechanic centered around gathering affection …
Super Bunyan - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
In FGO, Super Bunyan is a Limited Servant, accessible only during specific summoning campaigns. These include the FGO x Learn with Manga! Collaboration, 7th Anniversary Lucky Bag, Lucky Bag 2023, New Year Special, and 8th Anniversary Campaign II. Outside these events, Super Bunyan is not summonable.
Super Bunyan | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom
Super Bunyan WP (スーパーバニヤン?), Class Name Alter Ego (アルターエゴ, Arutā Ego?), is an Alter Ego -class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. Paul Bunyan in his prime was a lumberjack master and pioneer leader.... but for some reason he is a teenager of average human size and why is he a girl?
美国开拓时代的Tall Tale(奇闻怪事)中登场的樵夫,他被描述为高耸入云的巨大男人。 存在众多里活用了以他巨大的规模大到夸张的传说,而北美具有特征的地理有着多数被认为是班扬的行动影响下出现的。 至于以幼小少女的姿态被召唤而来原因仍是不明。 (根据漫画版推测,可能与咕哒子的喜好有关。 就如传说那样,带着巨大的蓝色公牛作为伙伴,但那种形状不论怎么看都不像是牛的球状的妖怪。 而还是在美国开拓时代里所流传的Fearsome Critters(可怕生物),是“ UMA …
Rabbit's Reviews #320: Super Bunyan (5* Alter Ego)
2022年4月27日 · Bunyan has pretty high production values, with nice art, two NP animations, and a fun conceptual gimmick via the inclusion of Learning with Manga Rider and Assassin. If you’re a fan of the character, she’s a serviceable ST Buster unit. For anyone looking at gameplay value, though, there’s just not much here to sell this one.
My Rant About Super Bunyan : r/FGO - Reddit
Super Bunyan is probably short for Super "Bitch" Bunyan. We have a mission to do (get the grail) and she just drags us around the states filming her movies, and basically ignores what should be the biggest issue (dinosaurs attacking the U.S. like it's Jurassic World up in here, which is not even brought up, btw).
Rabbit's Reviews #222: Paul Bunyan (1* Berserker) - GameFAQs
Bunyan is a Spartacus who lost his battery in favor of a super short NP and the ability to boost party damage. Having a new general-purpose farmer is nice, and Bunyan can definitely speed up...