OPA2134 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s OPA2134 is a SoundPlus™ Audio Operational Amplifier with Low Distortion, Low Noise and Precision. Find parameters, ordering and quality information
OPA2134PA OPA2134 - Dual HiFi Audio OpAmp (Pack of 2)
The OPA2134 series are ultra-low distortion, low-noise operational amplifiers fully specified for audio applications ; Superior Sound Quality, Ultra Low Distortion: 0.00008%, Low Noise: 8 nV/√Hz ; True FET-Input: IB = 5pA, High Speed: Slew Rate: 20 V/µs Bandwidth: 8 MHz ; High Open-Loop Gain: 120 dB (600 Ω), Wide Supply Range: ±2.5 V to ±18 V
OPA2134 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
opa134、opa2134 和 opa4134 (opax134) 系列为超低失真、低噪声运算放大器,完全适用于音频应用。包含的真正 fet 输入级提供出色的音质和速度,可实现出色的音频性能。该特性搭配高输出驱动能力和出色的直流性能,使得该系列运算放大器适用于各种严苛的应用。
OPA2134PA Burr Brown | Integrated Circuits (ICs) | DigiKey …
OPA2134PA – Audio Amplifier 2 Circuit 8-PDIP from Burr Brown. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
Input cascode circuitry provides excellent common-mode rejection and maintains low input bias current over the wide input voltage range, minimizing distortion. The OPAx134 series operational amplifiers are unity-gain stable and provide excellent dynamic behavior over a wide range of load conditions, including high load capacitance.
Amazon.com: Burr Brown OPA2134PA OPA2134 - Dual HiFi Audio …
2018年8月6日 · OPA2134 series operational amplifiers are unity-gain stable and provide excellent dynamic behavior over a wide range of load conditions, including high load capacitance. The dual and quad versions feature completely independent circuitry for lowest crosstalk and freedom from interaction, even when overdriven or overloaded.
- 评论数: 8
OPA2134 Datasheet(PDF) - Burr-Brown (TI)
Part #: OPA2134. Download. File Size: 327Kbytes. Page: 9 Pages. Description: High Performance AUDIO OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS TM. Manufacturer: Burr-Brown (TI).
Burson Dual OPAmp vs OPA2134PA review - Head-Fi.org
2002年7月29日 · Burson = 100+ continuous burn run. Bur Brown OPA2134PA = 100+ accumulated. All headphones have swappable DIY cables. Same cable was used for all headphones for this test. The Mogami W2534 Quad for each channel into a ¼” Neutrik plug. Only the HD600 is moded for sound. The HFI-780 has been …
Burr Brown OPA2134PA OPA2134 2134 Hi-Performance Op-Amp …
2014年2月1日 · Juried Engineering OPA2134PA OPA2134 SoundPlus™ Audio Operational Amplifier with Low Distortion, Low Noise and Precision Breadboard-Friendly IC DIP-8 (Pack of 2)
- 评论数: 4
OPA2134PA Texas Instruments | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
3 天之前 · OPA2134PA Texas Instruments Audio Amplifiers SoundPlus (TM) Hi-Per f Aud Oper Amp A 595-OPA2134PAG4 datasheet, inventory, & pricing.