How Are Auto/Burst Fire Used In Doctrine? : r/WarCollege - Reddit
2019年5月28日 · I don't see automatic fire used by competent troops in combat videos beyond suppressive fire with machine guns. Even in CQC, semi is still preferred. The only doctrinal case of full-auto I can think of OTOH is for using rifles out of firing ports (BMPs or the old M231 FPW for the Bradley). If anything, it seems like full-auto is almost something that militaries avoid, with examples like the AK ...
Were Burst Fire modes considered a success? : r/WarCollege - Reddit
2022年7月24日 · Burst fire with the AR15 has generally been a failure. Its a less reliable trigger, while having 3 separate trigger pulls. And doesn't reset between firing meaning your first trigger pull on burst can be 1,2, or 3 rounds. Then from a burst mode. Rounds 2 and 3 are typically the lease accurate from a average shooter. 1 obviously being the most, then 4 and 5 being when most shooters get the gun ...
Mechanics of burst fire : r/RogueTraderCRPG - Reddit
2024年1月24日 · 1st - Burst fire imposes trajectory test instead of accuracy test. The consequence is that off-target bullets can still damage a close opponent if you burst fire into a cluster of enemies.
What kinds of guns are affected by Concentrated Fire?
On the original topic - I believe concentrated fire works on Burst/Rapid fire, but this is a bug. They're supposed to be different, with Concentrated Fire supporting one type of attack and Rapid Fire another. On a tangent, Burst/Rapid fire is stupid amazing.
ELI5: How does burst fire work in firearms? : r/explainlikeimfive
2017年5月25日 · It depends on the firearm. Most firearms with burst fire capabilities use a cam system (mechanical part) that will rotate a certain number of times (the amount of shots fired) and then stop, which forces the next round into the chamber, …
TIL: Burst fire firearms were introduced to the US Army as a
TIL: Burst fire firearms were introduced to the US Army as a means to conserve ammo. During the Vietnam War (less well trained) soldiers would commonly hold down the trigger until they ran out of ammo.
Is BS Really Needed for Burst Fire? : r/RogueTraderCRPG - Reddit
Any thoughts on bolter (or any other burst) usage for an archetype without soldier's rapid fire? Maybe something like an Operative using TK/Tides. 2nd archetype like BH or Assassin could take advantage of the autohit from the blessed bolter casing for their freebie attacks and use burst to stack effects or vulnerability etc.
Burst Fire or normal AC’s? : r/Mechwarrior5 - Reddit
2021年8月15日 · Burst fire AC/2s are really fun comedy cannons when mounted en masse on something like the Jagermech but the bigger the burst fire gun gets the worse it gets with the the BF AC/20 being outright hot garbage.
To burst or not to burst? Here's the data. : r/Mechwarrior5 - Reddit
2020年1月30日 · Burst-fire Autocannons generate, on average, 19% less heat than their single-shot counterparts. The only burst fire Autocannon that does not out-DPS the next highest single-shot model is the AC/5, which has a DPS equal to the single-shot AC/10. The burst-fire AC/2 and AC/10 have a higher DPS than the single-shot AC/5 and AC/20, respectively.
Burst-fire vs. single slug autocannons: your thoughts and opinions?
Burst fire AC's have much higher overall damage output and damage-to-heat ratio. The downside is the tendancy to spread rounds all over (bad for killing mechs, potentially good for wrecking installations and spraying at light vehicles and aircraft).