BvS10 - Wikipedia
The BvS10 (Bandvagn Skyddad 10, also known as Bandvagn 410 or BV410) is a tracked articulated amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle produced by BAE Systems Land Systems Hägglunds of Sweden. [1]
BvS10全地形車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BvS10全地形車(瑞典語: Bandvagn Skyddad 10 ,意為10號裝甲履帶式車輛),也稱為Bandvagn 410或Bv410,是英國 貝宜系統於瑞典的子公司 黑格倫德陸地系統公司 ( 英语 : BAE Systems AB ) 生產的聯結式兩棲全地形履帶裝甲車。
BvS10 Family of Vehicles - BAE Systems
2 天之前 · Germany is investing in an additional 227 ultra- mobile, protected, all-terrain BvS10 vehicles from BAE Systems. Sweden, Germany, and the United Kingdom have reached an agreement with BAE Systems to purchase 436 BvS10 all-terrain vehicles.
BvS10装甲全地形车 - 百度百科
BvS10装甲全地形车由位于瑞典 恩舍尔兹维克 的阿尔维斯·赫格隆公司研制的全地形车系列中的新一代车辆。 BvS10具备完全两栖能力,在水中可靠 橡胶履带 推进,最大速度为5公里/小时。 BvS10装甲全地形车可用于运兵车、指挥车、救护车以及维修和救援车等。 BvS10可 通过 CH-53直升机运输。 赫格隆公司拥有25年以上的铰接式全地形车设计和生产经验。 与Bv206 (销量为11000辆,销往全球40个国家)相比,除了装甲防护外,BvS10具有更高的载重能力、更大的公 …
BvS10全地形車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
BvS10全地形車(瑞典語: Bandvagn Skyddad 10 ,意為10號裝甲履帶式車輛),也稱為Bandvagn 410或Bv410,是英國 貝宜系統於瑞典的子公司 黑格倫德陸地系統公司 ( 英語 : BAE Systems AB ) 生產的聯結式兩棲全地形履帶裝甲車。
BvS10 - BAE Systems
The family of BvS10 variants are all capable of rapidly traversing terrain that would hinder other all terrain vehicles. A number of variants have been developed in close co-operation with our customers to fulfill high tactical requirements The BvS10 design is made with flexibility in focus allowing commanders and users to make the vehicle fit for specific missions.
"北欧海盗"来到中国 BvS-10 Beowulf全地形消防车 - 网易
2019年12月27日 · BvS-10“贝奥武夫”采用的应该是康明斯的ISB6.7L 285发动机,发动机最大功率285马力,最大扭矩为970N.m。 相比Bv202和Bv206, BvS-10系列的发动机功率有着非常显著的提高,对于车辆的各方面性能有着跨越性提升。
BvS10 Beowulf - BAE Systems
5 天之前 · BvS10 BEOWULF is designed and developed in Sweden by BAE Systems Hägglunds. It is based upon battle proven driveline technologies that underpin the BvS10 family of vehicles in service worldwide which means an outstanding pedigree of …
Viking (BvS10) Amphibious Armoured All-Terrain Vehicle - Army Technology
2021年2月18日 · Viking (BvS10) is a fully-amphibious armoured all-terrain vehicle. The first batch Viking all-terrain (protected) vehicles was delivered in July 2003. The vehicle has two linked tracked units, articulated vertically and horizontally for steering and manoeuvring over rough terrain. Viking (BvS10) is a fully-amphibious armoured all-terrain vehicle.
Viking Vehicle: BvS10 Viking Military Armored Vehicle Overview
The Viking BvS10 is a dual-cabin, articulated vehicle consisting of a front and rear unit connected by a steering mechanism. This design enhances its ability to traverse rugged terrains, steep slopes, and narrow passes.