List of BMP-1 variants - Wikipedia
BVP Šakal (also known as MEXCA or BVP-M2 SKCZ Šakal) – A major overhaul variant developed by Excalibur Army. Roof was raised by 15 cm, which allowed installation of addition armour to floor, fixing a major vulnerability of BMP series.
BVP-1 (1971) - tank-afv.com
The BVP-1SM is a converted armored battlefield ambulance and the BVP-1PPK / PzPK "Snezka" an artillery reconnaissance platform. The OT R-5 "Becva" is a communications vehicle and the BVP-1 LOS a dedicated tracked reconnaissance version.
Such a modernized vehicle offers a solution to rearm the armed forces equiped with vehicles BVP-1 to the standards required for conducting of current combat operations. Vehicle crew for BVP-M cosists of: commander, driver, shooter – operator, 7 x space for swarms.
BVP-M – Wikipédia
BVP-M je slovenská modernizácia pôvodného sovietskeho bojového vozidla pechoty BMP-1 / BVP-1, spočívajúca v osadení bezosádkovej veže Turra 30 COAPS od slovenskej spoločnosti EVPÚ.
Takto modernizované vozidlo ponúka riešenie prezbrojenia ozbrojených síl vyzbrojených vozidlami BVP-1 na štandardy požadované pre vedenie súčasných bojových operácií. Osádku zidla pre BVP-M tvorí: veliteľ, vodič, strelec- operátor, 7 x miesto pre príslušníkov roja
BMP–1 – Wikipédia
A BMP–1 (oroszul: БМП – Боевая машина пехоты / Bojevaja masina pehoti; magyarul: gyalogsági harcjármű) a Szovjetunióban az 1960-as évek első felében, a Cseljabinszki Traktorgyárban (CSTZ) Pavel Iszakov főkonstruktőr vezetésével kifejlesztett úszóképes gyalogsági harcjármű. 1966 -ban rendszeresítették a Szovjet Hadseregben.
BMP-1 - Wikipedia
The BMP-1 is a Soviet amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle that has been in service from 1966 to the present. BMP stands for Boyevaya Mashina Pyekhoty 1 (Russian: Боевая Машина Пехоты 1; БМП-1), meaning "infantry fighting vehicle, 1st serial model". [11] .
武器科普 苏联BMP-1步兵战车以及苏联时期的部分衍生车型
2024年3月1日 · 该型号为增加装甲的BMP -1 (又称“阿富汗”型)。 在车体侧面以及驾驶员位置上增加了额外的装甲。 由于战斗全重的增加,该型号失去了浮渡能力。 该车为苏联冷战后期开发的战斗侦查车,BRM-1K用于侦察路线和探测敌方编队。 其炮塔内安装了包括雷达在内的先进设备套件并且任然保留了73mm滑膛炮与PKT机枪。 该车为用于机步团和坦克团的指挥和参谋车辆。 该车的炮塔上安装的不是火炮或机枪,而是伸缩天线桅杆装置。 该车除了R - 123MT、R - 130M和R …
History: Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle BVP-1
This is a light combat amphibious tracked vehicle (known also under acronym BMP) with high manoeuvrability equipped with huge weaponry and armoured protection. Its capabilities increase the firepower and movement operations of mechanised units even if …
SVK - BVP-1M : Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic / Slovak …
The BVP-1M vehicle is an infantry-combat vehicle taking advantage of the improved chassis and seating from the BVP-1, coupled with a new turret and weapon system. The vehicle's driving characteristics are improved by upgrading to the chassis of the BVP-2, using knowledge from the vehicles' experience in combat operations.