Barn owl - Wikipedia
The barn owls (Tyto species, particularly Tyto alba) are the most widely distributed group of owls in the world. They are medium-sized owls with large heads and characteristic heart-shaped …
American Barn Owl Identification - All About Birds
Ghostly pale and normally strictly nocturnal, American Barn Owls are silent predators of the night world. Lanky, with a whitish face, chest, and belly, and buffy upperparts, this owl roosts in …
Barn Owl | Audubon Field Guide
Discovered in its daytime retreat, the Barn Owl bobs its head and weaves back and forth, peering at the intruder. At night it is often heard calling as it flies high over farmland or marshes. One …
Barn Owl - Facts, Size, Lifespan, Color, Habitat, Diet & Pictures
Most widespread among all species of owls, the Barn Owl is an easily recognizable bird with an adorable heart-shaped face. Due to their eerily white color, they are often considered ominous, …
仓鸮 - 百度百科
仓鸮栖息于开阔的原野、低山、丘陵以及农田、城镇和村庄附近森林中,喜欢躲藏在废墟、阁楼、树洞、岩缝和桥墩下面,特别喜欢在农家的谷仓里栖息,所以得名。 [3] 仓鸮常单独活动。 白 …
American barn owl - Wikipedia
The American barn owl (Tyto furcata) is usually considered a subspecies group and together with the western barn owl group, the eastern barn owl group, and sometimes the Andaman masked …
American Barn Owl - eBird
Medium-sized owl with a heart-shaped facial disc and deep dark eyes; the only Tyto owl present across most of its range; on Hispaniola compare to Ashy-faced Owl. Varies across a wide …
Barn owl | Nocturnal Predator, Silent Flight, Camouflage | Britannica
2025年1月29日 · barn owl, any of several species of nocturnal birds of prey of the genus Tyto (family Tytonidae). Barn owls are sometimes called monkey-faced owls because of their heart …
Barn owl, facts and photos - National Geographic
With its banshee call, dark eyes, and bright white face, a barn owl could pass for a winged ghost, moving silently against the night sky. In fact, many cultures associate the barn owl with...
Barn owl - The Raptor Center
A cavity nester, the barn owl takes readily to human-made structures, and they are well known in Europe for using buildings and church steeples as nest sites. This owl will also use properly …