So I should obviously move bxc3. What should I be looking ahead …
2012年8月26日 · In the position I give (Saemisch variation of the Nimzo-Indian), after 5.bxc3, Black's next moves are almost always ...b6, ...Nc6 and ...Ba6 (in either order). White must …
Modern Defense: Standard, Pterodactyl Defense - Chess …
Learn the main lines, tactics, and strategies in the Pirc and Modern Defenses. In this fancifully-named opening, Black takes the "dark-square strategy" to its logical limit. The black bishop is …
Why not 4.e3 Bxc3+ in the Nimzo-Indian? - Chess Stack Exchange
2019年3月31日 · The variation beginning 4.e3 Bxc3+ is not very popular, but it is better than its reputation, and it's a very efficient way of cutting out a lot of theory if you're just taking up the …
Nimzo-Indian Defence - Wikipedia
In the Nimzo-Indian, Black is generally prepared to concede the bishop pair by playing Bxc3. As dynamic compensation, they often double White's c-pawns, which represent a static …
Always capture toward the center? - Chess Stack Exchange
bxc3 gives you a strong chance to push in the center successfully. It leaves a dangling pawn on a2, but by playing bxc3 you should already have resigned this pawn's fate to some sacrifice for …
Nimzo-Indian Defense: A Dynamic and Challenging Opening
In the Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation, Berlin Variation, Steiner Variation, Black plays Bxc3+ after 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 c5 5. dxc5. This move serves two purposes; …
Nimzo-Indian Defense - Chess Pathways
The Nimzo-Indian Defense is a fascinating opening to study because of the multitude of possibilities that each side has. Black can strike at the center with …c5, …d5, or both, …
What is the algebraic notation for the bishop ... - Chess Stack Exchange
2021年5月17日 · Let's say that I have a pawn at b2 and a bishop at d2 and I want to capture the pawn on c3 with my bishop. The expression I used is bc3. However, it uses my pawn at b2 to …
Why is Bxc3 good in some openings but not in others? : r/chess
2022年2月22日 · In the Nimzo-Indian, the fight revolves around controlling the center light squares. Bb4 has a clear purpose of weakening white's control over e4, making it harder for …
Nimzo-Indian Defense: Bishop Attack, Classical, Botvinnik System
Learn the Nimzo-Indian Defense: Bishop Attack, Classical, Botvinnik System with free tools and analysis from Chess.com. Improve your opening repertoire and crush your opponents!