French Defense: Classical, Richter Attack - Chess Openings
Learn the French Defense: Classical, Richter Attack with free tools and analysis from Chess.com. Improve your opening repertoire and crush your opponents!
French Burn Bxf6 - Chess Forums
2020年9月28日 · Recently been playing around with the french defense and was interested in the burn variation (Bxf6 and not gxf6). How does this hold up for black? It doesn't seem as cramped as some other french positions, and the bishop pair in …
Why is Bxf6 the best move here (7th move for black)? - lichess.org
And there's concrete reasons why Bxf6 is best -- best articulated by the fact that black's king is stuck in the center and development of the remaining pieces is a problem because the light squared bishop is horribly misplaced and white can gain …
French Defence - Wikipedia
Named after Amos Burn, the Burn Variation is the most common reply at the top level. 4...dxe4 5.Nxe4 and usually there now follows: 5...Be7 6.Bxf6 Bxf6 7.Nf3 Nd7 or 7...0-0, resulting in a position resembling those arising from the Rubinstein Variation.
Brilliant move!! Bxf6 - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2021年9月21日 · These two games show how dubious the "brilliant move" designation can be. While in the first game 18. Bxf6 is a great idea with the follow up of 19. Bxh7+ but one would think the 19. Bxh7+ bishop sacrifice would get the brilliant move designation. And in the second game obviously one cannot argue the merit of capturing the hanging piece with 20.
r/chess on Reddit: Can someone explain to me why a Bxf6 is now ...
2015年1月5日 · Bxf6 is not as bad as it looks, because the black queen is somewhat misplaced on f6 - for example, it doesn't defend d5 any longer. In fact, if not for the bishop on b4, d5 …
Why bxf6 is best here? Is it not better to retreat and ... - Reddit
2023年1月10日 · So it’s either doubled b and f pawns, an annoying fork threat on c7, or an untouchable center pawn. I’ll take that over the pin. Example: Bxf6 gxf6 Nd5 Ba7 Rc1 with an x-ray on c7. You could also capture with the queen, but e5 is annoying. Bxf6 Qxf6 e5 dxe5 dxe5 and the pawn is untouchable due to Re1.
Richter Veresov Attack - ChessDoctrine.com
Richter Veresov Attack is one of the most prominent sidelines in the Queen’s Pawn Opening, and the opening is characterized by the moves d4-Nc3-Bg5 in white’s first three moves. The most popular move order to reach the typical starting position of the Richter Veresov Attack would be 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Bg5.
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. Bg5 - Wikibooks
2022年12月28日 · Bxf6, doubling Black's pawns. Less common again is the 2...c5 line attacking the pawn. White can choose to push the pawn or trade pieces (3. d5 or 3. Bxf6). The former variation involves a "Poisoned Pawn Variation" which involves one side giving away a pawn for a opposing misplaced queen and a development lead.
Burn Variation of the French Defence - Chessentials
2023年4月10日 · Experience shows that the move 6. Nxf6 is a bit toothless (and you can check the analysis to see why) and the only challenging move is 6.Bxf6 when Black’s best and most …