Home | Before You Dig Australia (BYDA)
Before You Dig Australia (BYDA) is the leading voice for utility damage prevention in Australia. We are dedicated to preventing injury and reducing damage to the networks that provide essential services to millions of Australians every day.
Guide to free plans - BYDA
BYDA guide to free plans. Find out how to lodge an enquiry and what to do once you receive plans and information.
Guide to free plans + About. Advocacy; For regulators; Governance; What we do; Where we operate + Services. Member services; Merchandise; Find a skilled locator + Education. Meet the Team; Resources; Book a free session + Our members. Memberships; Benefits; Join BYDA; Member listing + Contact; Get Free Plans
How to Read Telstra BYDA Plans - Geoscope Utility Detection …
Learn how to read Telstra's Before You Dig Asset (BYDA) plans to locate their underground infrastructure, including mains and regular cables. Find out how to obtain and understand the format of the plans, the validity period, and the symbols used on them.
Membership | Before You Dig Australia (BYDA)
Find out more about the benefits of BYDA Membership here. There are two BYD membership categories: Asset-Owning, and Non Asset-Owning Membership. Find out more on becoming a BYDA member here...
Duty of Care | Before You Dig Australia (BYDA)
It is essential to know your duty of care when working around Australia’s underground and overhead networks. The following are vital points to consider: Lodge your BYDA underground utility plan request at least one day before your job is due to begin. Check that you have had a response from all asset owners before commencing work.
BYDA | Member Services
BYDA provides time-saving, cost-effective safety services and products for infrastructure asset owners and non-asset owning organisations that are involved in digging, excavation and civil construction. Our range of services are designed to protect workers and prevent damage to essential infrastructure.
Before You Dig Australia - Department of Communications
BYDA’s service allows members to share detailed plans and safety information with users, including individuals or companies, planning to dig underground. BYDA’s service is vital to protect essential underground infrastructure assets, and to prevent harm or injury to those working in and around those assets.
Before You Dig - How it works - BYDA
Before you start work, follow safe work practices by obtaining plans and information for both underground and overhead infrastructure present at your proposed job site. BYDA’s free safety tools provide everyone working near utility infrastructure with easy access to necessary plans and information to ensure you carry out a safe project.
This guide will help you understand our plans and what our services are. Or call 13 20 92 for Customer Enquiries. Note: The lodging of enquiries via www.byda.com.au will enable you to receive, via email, colour plans in PDF format 24 hours a day, 7 …