linux - How to decompress a .bz2 file - Super User
2024年10月27日 · bzip2 is mono-threaded, which means it will take a long time to decompress a large file. To decompress a .bz2 file multithreadedly, you can use the free, open source program lbzip2: sudo apt-get install lbzip2 lbzip2 -d my_file.bz2 -d indicates you wish to decompress the file. It would automatically determine how many threads it will use.
compression - Pros and cons of bzip vs gzip? - Super User
2010年10月30日 · Gzip and bzip2, as well as xz and lzop, are functionally equivalent. (There once was a bzip, but it seems to have completely vanished off the face of the world.) Other common compression formats are zip, rar and 7z; these three do both compression and archiving (packing multiple files into one).
Between xz, gzip, and bzip2, which compression algorithim is the …
bzip2 has been made mostly obsolete by xz, and zstd is likely the best for most workflows. Minimum file size: xz is still the best when it comes to minimal file sizes. Compression is fairly expensive though, so faster compression algorithms are better suited if that is a concern.
Newest 'bzip2' Questions - Super User
2021年6月30日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
bzip2 - Has zip any advantages over bz2? - Super User
I've just downloaded phpBB3 and saw they offer a bz2 (1.51 MB) and a zip (2.35 MB) download. This is the reason why I want to know if the ZIP file format has any advantages over bzip2. According to the Wikipedia article, the zip-files can be compressed using the bzip2-compression algorithm. Why is the zip-file then that much bigger?
linux - tar shows "is not a bzip2 file" error when uncompressing a …
The proper extension for bzip2 compressed files is .bz2, while the .bz extension is for bzip compressed files. bzip uses arithmetic encoding (which is a patented algorithm), so bzip2 was created in 1997 as a patent-free alternative. As a result, bzip2 and bzip are incompatible.
Uncompress bz2 file from command line on Windows - Super User
2015年1月14日 · The official bzip2 command line utility is available for Windows. Installation: Download and unpack the file bzip2-1.x.x-win-x64.zip for a 64 bit Windows, or bzip2-1.x.x-win-x86.zip for a 32 bit Windows. Install msvcr120.dll according to the instructions: All binaries depend on the Visual Studio 2013 C Runtime Library (msvcr120.dll).
compression - What type of data is compressed more effectively …
2011年5月10日 · I'm comparing compression functions, and I'm surprised by what I'm seing. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but everything I've tested has been more compressed by gzip than bzip2! I was under the impression that bzip2 was better than gzip. Can someone give an example of data that would demonstrate this? Thanks.
bz2 file and "This does not look like a tar archive" - Super User
By design, bzip2 (and gzip, etc.) cannot compress more than one file at a time. If you want to make a single bzip2 compressed archive containing multiple files, you need to first tar the files together. This design is part of the Unix philosophy of making tools that each do one job, and do it well. Tar joins files together. Bzip2 compresses files.
7 zip - Different compression methods in 7zip: Which is best …
Some programs like CCM and BZIP2 can only compress one file at a time. For these programs a single TAR-file is created containing all files. The files in this TAR-file are ordered alphabetically on suffix, then name. Results of these compressors are marked with an 'Y' in the tarred column. The testset consists of the following file types :