C-41 process - Wikipedia
C-41 is a chromogenic color print film developing process introduced by Kodak in 1972, [1] superseding the C-22 process. C-41, also known as CN-16 by Fuji, CNK-4 by Konica, and AP-70 by AGFA, is the most popular film process in use, with most, if not all photofinishing labs devoting at least one machine to this development process.
C-41 冲洗工艺和配方 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
C-41 – Mid America Flight Musuem
The history of the Douglas C-41 starts long before its creation in 1938. This plane has an extensive backstory that ties it heavily to major military and aviation figures at the forefront of aviation military history.
彩色负片冲洗手册(Kodak C41B) - 菲林中文-独立胶片摄影门户!
其实c-41的冲洗非常的简单。一是有品质好的药液。二冲洗的过程与黑白基本一样甚至比黑白还要简单,主要是温度的控制。借助简单的设备即可作到。 一、c-41工艺冲洗的程序
How to Process Your C-41 Film at Home - PetaPixel
2012年10月26日 · I thus began to process my C-41 rolls at home. It’s extremely easy to do and I‘ll show you today how to do it, step by step.
C-41 process - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C-41 is the photographic film process used to develop practically all modern still-picture color negative film. It is also used for some black and white films, such as XP2. Slide film can also be cross-processed in C-41 to produce a negative.
Color Film Developing Kits | C41 Developing Kits | B&H - B&H Photo …
C-41, E-6, and RA-4 kits are available and include all the chemicals you'll need for that specific developing process. For example, a C-41 developing kit contains bleach, color developer, and stabilizer. If you're just starting out, you may want to consider film developing starter kits.
如何自己用彩色负片C41冲洗电影卷。 - 知乎专栏
然后用传统的彩色负片 c-41 来冲洗 这样干,每卷胶片最终的综合成本下降50%。 甚至更低价格,如果数字化自己扫描翻拍,那么用不到1/3的价格就可以拍彩色专业胶卷了。
什么是彩色负片和 C-41 冲洗? - Lomography
今天使用的大多数彩色胶片都使用 C-41 冲先,它自 1972 年以来一直是行业标准的冲洗方式,C-41 冲先处理通常由机器完成,因此比在胶片冲洗店冲先黑白胶片来得便宜 .你也可以在家里冲洗彩色胶片,但它比冲洗黑白胶片更复杂,因为需要精确的温度和时间才能获得良好的效果。 如何快速晾干胶片汤? 进行胶片汤实验时,浸泡、冲洗与烘干是三大关键步骤。 一旦胶卷完成冲洗,应当立即移步至完全黑暗的环境中,利用吹风机(调整至中等风力)对其进行干燥处理。 在此期 …
C-41工艺彩色负片冲洗新手教程 - 无忌摄影论坛
2017年6月19日 · 其实胶片冲洗工艺中彩色负片的冲洗难度要远远低于黑白,其程序和手法想对固定,可控性要高于黑白胶片的冲洗工艺, 只是原版c-41工艺的程序相对黑白要多一些,本教程的工艺结合我们自己的漂定一体套药编写,这种工艺在原版工艺上进一步简化,也适用于 ...